This is the config for drc_crafting. You have already in drc_crafting folder!
Config = {}
Config.Debug = false
Config.Framework = "ESX" -- Set your framework! qbcore, ESX, standalone
Config.Target = "qtarget" -- Which Target system do u use? qb-target, qtarget
Config.Menu = "ox_lib" -- ContextMenu | types: ox_lib, qb-menu
Config.NotificationType = "ox_lib" -- ESX, ox_lib, qbcore
Config.Progress = "ox" -- progressBars, ox, qbcore
Config.WeaponsAsItems = true -- if you are using old types of inventories which does not include weapons as items set this to false!
Config.Logs = { enabled = true, type = "webhook" } -- use webhook or ox_lib (datadog) Can be changed in server > sv_utils.lua
Config.DropPlayer = false -- Drop (Kick) Player if tries to cheat!
Config.AnticheatBan = false -- Change in server/sv_Utils.lua!!! WIll not work by default you need to add your custom trigger to ban player!
Config.Craftings = {
Crafting_default_1 = { -- BurgerShot example / PolyZone
--Crafting Settings
Occupied = false, -- Dont change
Label = "Grill", --display label on help or target
job = { name = "burgershot", grade = 0 }, -- Required job to open crafting station
type = "PolyZone", -- Table, Marker, PolyZone
Positions = { coords = vec3(-1198.41, -894.95, 13.89), radius = 0.7, debug = false }, -- Circle PolyZone and coords for Table and Marker (if selected type)
Table = { Type = "target" --[[help, target]] , Prop = `gr_prop_gr_bench_04a`, Heading = 10.0, DrawDistance = 10.0 },
Marker = { DrawDistance = 100.0, Type = 21, Size = { x = 0.7, y = 0.7, z = 0.7 },
Color = { r = 8, g = 137, b = 255, a = 150 } },
TargetIcon = "fas fa-drumstick-bite",
--Items Settings
CraftingItems = { -- Table for all craftable Items
Steak = {
Title = "Steak", -- Context label
Progress = "Grilling...", -- Progress bar label
Icon = "fa-solid fa-drumstick-bite", -- icon for context
Experience = { Required = 0, Add = 0 }, -- Required exp and How much should be add after crafting.
Duration = 10, -- seconds to make!
Blueprint = { item = nil, count = nil }, -- Blueprint item
RequiredItems = { -- Table for required items
{ item = "raw_steak", label = "Raw Steak", count = 1, remove = true }, -- Which Items should are required
AddItems = { -- Table for item add
{ item = "steak", label = "Steak", count = 1 }, -- Which Items should be added
Animation = { enabled = false, dict = "mini@repair", clip = "fixing_a_ped" }, -- TaskPlayAnim
Scenario = { enabled = true, scenario = "PROP_HUMAN_BBQ", prop = `prop_fish_slice_01` --[[For correct Detach]] }, --TaskStartScenarioAtPosition
Prop = {
enabled = false, -- Attach Prop Settings
prop = `prop_tool_screwdvr02`, -- Prop model
pos = vec3(0.14, 0.0, -0.01), -- Prop position
rot = vec3(60.0, -147.0, 30.0), -- Prop rot
bone = 57005 -- Player bone index
Crafting_default_2 = { -- Crafting Station police expemple / Marker
Occupied = false, -- Dont change
Label = "Police Crafting", --display label on help or target
job = { name = "police", grade = 0 }, -- Required job to open crafting station
type = "Marker", -- Table, Marker, PolyZone
Positions = { coords = vec3(459.01, -982.54, 30.4), radius = 1.0, debug = false }, -- Circle PolyZone
Table = { Type = "target" --[[help, target]] , Prop = `gr_prop_gr_bench_04a`, Heading = 10.0,
DrawDistance = 100.0 },
Marker = { DrawDistance = 10.0, Type = 21, Size = { x = 0.7, y = 0.7, z = 0.7 },
Color = { r = 8, g = 137, b = 255, a = 150 } },
TargetIcon = "fas fa-wrench",
CraftingItems = { -- Table for all craftable Items
weapon_pistol = {
Title = "Pistol", -- Context label
Progress = "Crafting...", -- Progress bar label
Icon = "fa-solid fa-gun", -- icon for context
Experience = { Required = 0, Add = 1 }, -- Required exp and How much should be add after crafting.
Duration = 10, -- seconds to make!
Blueprint = { item = nil, count = nil }, -- Blueprint item
RequiredItems = { -- Table for required items
{ item = "scrap", label = "Scrap Metal", count = 10, remove = true }, -- Which Items should are required
AddItems = { -- Table for item add
{ item = "weapon_pistol", label = "Pistol", count = 1 }, -- Which Items should be added
Animation = { enabled = true, dict = "mini@repair", clip = "fixing_a_ped" }, -- TaskPlayAnim
Scenario = { enabled = true, scenario = "PROP_HUMAN_BBQ", prop = `prop_fish_slice_01` --[[For correct Detach]] }, --TaskStartScenarioAtPosition
Prop = {
enabled = true, -- Attach Prop Settings
prop = `prop_tool_screwdvr02`, -- Prop model
pos = vec3(0.14, 0.0, -0.01), -- Prop position
rot = vec3(60.0, -147.0, 30.0), -- Prop rot
bone = 57005 -- Player bone index
weapon_combatpistol = {
Title = "Pistol", -- Context label
Progress = "Making...", -- Progress bar label
Icon = "fa-solid fa-gun", -- icon for context
Experience = { Required = 2, Add = 1 }, -- Required exp and How much should be add after crafting.
Duration = 10, -- seconds to make!
Blueprint = { item = nil, count = nil }, -- Blueprint item
RequiredItems = { -- Table for required items
{ item = "scrap", label = "Scrap Metal", count = 10, remove = true }, -- Which Items should are required
AddItems = { -- Table for item add
{ item = "weapon_combatpistol", label = "Combat Pistol", count = 1 }, -- Which Items should be added
Animation = { enabled = true, dict = "mini@repair", clip = "fixing_a_ped" }, -- TaskPlayAnim
Scenario = { enabled = true, scenario = "PROP_HUMAN_BBQ", prop = `prop_fish_slice_01` --[[For correct Detach]] }, --TaskStartScenarioAtPosition
Prop = {
enabled = true, -- Attach Prop Settings
prop = `prop_tool_screwdvr02`, -- Prop model
pos = vec3(0.14, 0.0, -0.01), -- Prop position
rot = vec3(60.0, -147.0, 30.0), -- Prop rot
bone = 57005 -- Player bone index
Crafting_default_3 = { -- Crafting Mechanic expemple / Table - Help
Occupied = false, -- Dont change
Label = "Mechanic Crafting", --display label on help or target
job = { name = "bennys", grade = 0 }, -- Required job to open crafting station
type = "Table", -- Table, Marker, PolyZone
Positions = { coords = vec3(-213.91, -1333.83, 29.89), radius = 1.0, debug = false }, -- Circle PolyZone
Table = { Type = "help" --[[help, target]] , Prop = `gr_prop_gr_bench_04a`, Heading = 2.39 + 180.0,
DrawDistance = 100.0 },
Marker = { DrawDistance = 10.0, Type = 21, Size = { x = 0.7, y = 0.7, z = 0.7 },
Color = { r = 8, g = 137, b = 255, a = 150 } },
TargetIcon = "fas fa-wrench",
CraftingItems = { -- Table for all craftable Items
repairkit = {
Title = "Repair kit", -- Context label
Progress = "Crafting...", -- Progress bar label
Icon = "fa-solid fa-wrench", -- icon for context
Experience = { Required = 0, Add = 0 }, -- Required exp and How much should be add after crafting.
Duration = 10, -- seconds to make!
Blueprint = { item = nil, count = nil }, -- Blueprint item
RequiredItems = { -- Table for required items
{ item = "scrap", label = "Scrap Metal", count = 1, remove = true }, -- Which Items should are required
AddItems = { -- Table for item add
{ item = "repairkit", label = "Repair Kit", count = 1 }, -- Which Items should be added
Animation = { enabled = true, dict = "mini@repair", clip = "fixing_a_ped" }, -- TaskPlayAnim
Scenario = { enabled = true, scenario = "PROP_HUMAN_BBQ", prop = `prop_fish_slice_01` --[[For correct Detach]] }, --TaskStartScenarioAtPosition
Prop = {
enabled = true, -- Attach Prop Settings
prop = `prop_tool_screwdvr02`, -- Prop model
pos = vec3(0.14, 0.0, -0.01), -- Prop position
rot = vec3(60.0, -147.0, 30.0), -- Prop rot
bone = 57005 -- Player bone index
Crafting_default_4 = { -- Crafting BlackMarker expemple / Table - Target
Occupied = false, -- Dont change
Label = "Crafting", --display label on help or target
job = { name = nil, grade = nil }, -- Required job to open crafting station
type = "Table", -- Table, Marker, PolyZone
Positions = { coords = vec3(989.04, -139.82, 72.09), radius = 1.0, debug = false }, -- Circle PolyZone
Table = { Type = "target" --[[help, target]] , Prop = `gr_prop_gr_bench_04a`, Heading = 64.01 + 180.0,
DrawDistance = 100.0 },
Marker = { DrawDistance = 10.0, Type = 21, Size = { x = 0.7, y = 0.7, z = 0.7 },
Color = { r = 8, g = 137, b = 255, a = 150 } },
TargetIcon = "fas fa-wrench",
CraftingItems = { -- Table for all craftable Items
weapon_pistol = {
Title = "Pistol", -- Context label
Progress = "Crafting...", -- Progress bar label
Icon = "fa-solid fa-gun", -- icon for context
Experience = { Required = 0, Add = 1 }, -- Required exp and How much should be add after crafting.
Duration = 10, -- seconds to make!
Blueprint = { item = nil, count = nil }, -- Blueprint item
RequiredItems = { -- Table for required items
{ item = "scrap", label = "Scrap Metal", count = 5, remove = true }, -- Which Items should are required
AddItems = { -- Table for item add
{ item = "weapon_pistol", label = "Pistol", count = 1 }, -- Which Items should be added
Animation = { enabled = true, dict = "mini@repair", clip = "fixing_a_ped" }, -- TaskPlayAnim
Scenario = { enabled = true, scenario = "PROP_HUMAN_BBQ", prop = `prop_fish_slice_01` --[[For correct Detach]] }, --TaskStartScenarioAtPosition
Prop = {
enabled = true, -- Attach Prop Settings
prop = `prop_tool_screwdvr02`, -- Prop model
pos = vec3(0.14, 0.0, -0.01), -- Prop position
rot = vec3(60.0, -147.0, 30.0), -- Prop rot
bone = 57005 -- Player bone index
weapon_carbinerifle = {
Title = "Carbine Rifle", -- Context label
Progress = "Crafting...", -- Progress bar label
Icon = "fa-solid fa-gun", -- icon for context
Experience = { Required = 10, Add = 1 }, -- Required exp and How much should be add after crafting.
Duration = 10, -- seconds to make!
Blueprint = { item = "blueprint_carbine", label = "Carbine Rifle Blueprint", count = 1 }, -- Blueprint item
RequiredItems = { -- Table for required items
{ item = "scrap", label = "Scrap Metal", count = 20, remove = true }, -- Which Items should are required
AddItems = { -- Table for item add
{ item = "weapon_carbinerifle", label = "Carbine Rifle", count = 1 }, -- Which Items should be added
Animation = { enabled = true, dict = "mini@repair", clip = "fixing_a_ped" }, -- TaskPlayAnim
Scenario = { enabled = true, scenario = "PROP_HUMAN_BBQ", prop = `prop_fish_slice_01` --[[For correct Detach]] }, --TaskStartScenarioAtPosition
Prop = {
enabled = true, -- Attach Prop Settings
prop = `prop_tool_screwdvr02`, -- Prop model
pos = vec3(0.14, 0.0, -0.01), -- Prop position
rot = vec3(60.0, -147.0, 30.0), -- Prop rot
bone = 57005 -- Player bone index
Last updated