This is the config for drc_pizzathis. You have already in drc_pizzathis folder!
--ONLY CONFIG NAMED sh_config.lua will work!
Config = {}
Config.Debug = false -- Debug
Config.Framework = "ESX" -- Framework | types: qbcore, ESX, standalone
Config.NewESX = true
Config.Target = "qtarget" -- Target | types: qb-target, qtarget, ox_target
Config.BossMenu = "esx_society" -- BossMenu | types: esx_society, qb-management, zerio-bossmenu
Config.NotificationType = "ox_lib" -- Notifications | types: ESX, ox_lib, qbcore
Config.Progress = "ox_lib_square" -- ProgressBar | types: progressBars, ox_lib_square, ox_lib_circle, qbcore | Preview: ox_lib_square = , ox_lib_circle = , qbcore =
Config.Clothing = "fivem-appearance" -- Skin / Clothing | types: esx_skin, qb-clothing, fivem-appearance, ox_appearance
Config.Context = "ox_lib" -- Context | types: ox_lib, qbcore
Config.Input = "ox_lib" -- Input | types: ox_lib, qb-input
Config.PoliceJobs = { 'police', 'sheriff' } -- For Alert
Config.Dispatch = { enabled = true, script = "linden_outlawalert" } -- cd_dispatch, linden_outlawalert, ps-disptach
Config.JobName = "pizza" -- Job name for pizza
Config.BossGrade = 4 -- Boss Grade
Config.NeedDuty = true -- Required duty to make drinks etc.
Config.NeedCleanHands = true -- Required to clean hands to make drinks etc.
Config.Logs = { enabled = true, type = "webhook" } -- use webhook or ox_lib (datadog) Can be changed in server > sv_utils.lua
Config.DropPlayer = true -- Drop (Kick) Player if tries to cheat!
Config.AnticheatBan = false -- Change in server/sv_Utils.lua!!! WIll not work by default you need to add your custom trigger to ban player!
Config.PizzaThis = {
PolyZone = {
coords = vector3(804.53, -753.57, 53.47), size = vec3(54.5, 31.2, 70), rotation = 270, debug = false, RemovePeds = true, radius = 50.0
Garage = {
Ped = {
{ Model = "s_m_y_xmech_01", Coords = vec4(813.8572, -732.0049, 26.5978, 143.0801),
Vehicles = {
{ Model = "nspeedo", Label = "Vapid Speedo", livery = 1, image = "", metadata = {""}, },
SpawnPoints = {
{ Coords = vector3(811.7018, -736.1868, 27.4150), Heading = 131.6246, Radius = 3.0 }
AlertPolice = vec3(811.97, -750.02, 26.93),
Delivery = vec3(811.72, -761.7, 27.19),
SpawnObjects = true,
Food = {
Zones = {
FrontBar = {
coords = vector3(810.44, -765.16, 26.68),
radius = 0.35,
debug = false,
Crafting = {
Alla_vodka = {
Title = "Alla vodka",
description = "Requirements: Diced prosciutto, Onion, Vodka sauce, Bowl",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "diced_prosciutto", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "onion", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "vodka_sauce", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "bar_bowl", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "alla_vodka", count = 1 },
Bolognese = {
Title = "Bolognese",
description = "Requirements: Meatballs, Garlic, Tomatto sauce, Oil, Bowl",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "meatballs", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "oil", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "garlic", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "rice", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "tomatto_sauce", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "bar_bowl", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "bolognese", count = 1 },
Calamari_marinara = {
Title = "Calamari marinara",
description = "Requirements: Squid rings, Tomatto sauce, Pasta, Bowl",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "squid_rings", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "tomatto_sauce", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "pasta", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "bar_bowl", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "calamari_marinara", count = 1 },
Pescatore = {
Title = "Pescatore",
description = "Requirements: Shrimps, Calamari, Clams, Rice, Soy sauce, Plate, Bowl",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "shrimps", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "calamari", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "clams", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "bar_bowl", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "pescatore", count = 1 },
Sinks = {
Zones = {
FrontBar = {
coords = vector3(801.64, -758.69, 31.27),
radius = 0.35,
debug = false,
WaterStream = vector3(801.51, -758.68, 31.27),
Kitchen = {
coords = vector3(813.63, -758.4, 26.68),
radius = 0.35,
debug = false,
WaterStream = vector3(813.82, -758.4, 27.08),
Kitchen2 = {
coords = vector3(809.31, -760.15, 26.63),
radius = 0.4,
debug = false,
WaterStream = vector3(809.22, -760.17, 26.94),
Kitchen3 = {
coords = vector3(809.48, -765.16, 26.63),
radius = 0.4,
debug = false,
WaterStream = vector3(809.52, -765.22, 26.93),
Bar = {
coords = vector3(813.26, -755.49, 26.78),
radius = 0.4,
debug = false,
WaterStream = vector3(813.38, -755.43, 26.98),
Crafting = {
CleanRumGlass = {
Title = "Clean Empty rum glass",
description = "Requirements: Empty rum glass",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
prop = `prop_whiskey_01`,
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "empty_rum_dirt", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "empty_rum", count = 1 },
CleanBeerGlass = {
Title = "Clean Empty beer glass",
description = "Requirements: Empty beer glass",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
prop = `prop_sh_tall_glass`,
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "empty_beer_dirt", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "empty_beer", count = 1 },
CleanPizzaWood = {
Title = "Clean Dirty Wooden pizza tray",
description = "Requirements: Dirty Wooden pizza tray",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
prop = `v_ret_fh_plate3`,
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "pizza_wood_dirt", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "pizza_wood", count = 1 },
CleanBowl = {
Title = "Clean Bowl",
description = "Requirements: Dirty Bowl",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
prop = `prop_bar_beans`,
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "bar_bowl_dirty", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "bar_bowl", count = 1 },
CleanCup = {
Title = "Clean Cup",
description = "Requirements: Dirty Cup",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
prop = `v_ret_gc_cup`,
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "dirty_cup", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "cup", count = 1 },
Duty = {
Main = { coords = vector3(811.14, -756.45, 27.33), radius = 0.2, debug = false },
CloakRoom = {
Main = { coords = vector3(811.2120, -758.9218, 31.2659), radius = 0.7, debug = false },
Coffeemachine = {
Zones = {
Main = { coords = vector3(800.3, -758.71, 31.42), radius = 0.25, debug = false },
Crafting = {
latte = {
Title = "Latte Macchiato",
description = "Requirements: Espresso, Milk, Cup",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "espresso", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "milk", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "cup", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "latte_macchiato", count = 1 },
cappucino = {
Title = "Cappuccino",
description = "Requirements: Espresso, Milk, Cup",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "espresso", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "milk", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "cup", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "cappuccino", count = 1 },
Coffeemachine2 = {
Zones = {
Main = { coords = vector3(811.43, -764.42, 26.93), radius = 0.4, debug = false },
Crafting = {
latte = {
Title = "Latte Macchiato",
description = "Requirements: Espresso, Milk, Cup",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "espresso", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "milk", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "cup", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "latte_macchiato", count = 1 },
cappucino = {
Title = "Cappuccino",
description = "Requirements: Espresso, Milk, Cup",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "espresso", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "milk", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "cup", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "cappuccino", count = 1 },
Beer = {
Zones = {
Main = { coords = vector3(814.07, -749.37, 27.23), radius = 0.4, debug = false },
Crafting = {
Piswasser = {
Title = "Piswasser",
description = "Requirements: Empty beer glass",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "empty_beer", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "piswasser", count = 1 },
AM = {
Title = "A.M.",
description = "Requirements: Empty beer glass",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "empty_beer", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "am_beer", count = 1 },
DuscbeGold = {
Title = "Duscbe Gold",
description = "Requirements: Empty beer glass",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "empty_beer", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "duscbe_gold", count = 1 },
Logger = {
Title = "Logger",
description = "Requirements: Empty beer glass",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "empty_beer", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "logger", count = 1 },
Rum = {
Zones = {
Main = { coords = vector3(814.0503, -750.0964, 27.2227), radius = 0.50, debug = false },
Crafting = {
ragga_rum = {
Title = "Ragga rum",
description = "Requirements: Empty rum glass, Ice",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "empty_rum", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "ice", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "ragga_rum", count = 1 },
cherenkov = {
Title = "Cherenkov",
description = "Requirements: Empty rum glass, Ice",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "empty_rum", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "ice", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "cherenkov", count = 1 },
Desert = {
Zones = {
Main = { coords = vector3(808.26, -765.47, 26.93), radius = 0.35, debug = false },
Crafting = {
Chocolate = {
Title = "Chocolate and vanilla gelato ice cream",
description = "Requirements: Chocolate ice cream, Vanilla ice cream, Bowl",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "chocolate_ice_cream", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "vanilla_ice_cream", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "bar_bowl", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "chocolate_and_vanilla_gelato_ice_cream", count = 1 },
Medaly = {
Title = "Medaly of fresh fruits",
description = "Requirements: Strawberry, Blueberry, Mango, Raspberry, Bowl",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "strawberry", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "blueberry", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "mango", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "raspberry", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "bar_bowl", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "medaly_of_fresh_fruits", count = 1 },
Tiramisu = {
Title = "Tiramisu",
description = "Requirements: Chocolate mocha, Mascarpone, Egg, Suger, Bowl",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "chocolate_mocha", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "mascarpone", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "egg", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "suger", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "bar_bowl", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "tiramisu", count = 1 },
Mixer = {
Zones = {
Main = { coords = vector3(806.22, -757.39, 26.79), radius = 0.55, debug = false },
Crafting = {
Dough = {
Title = "Dough",
description = "Requirements: Flour Packet, Salt, Cube of Yeast, Suger, Oil",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "flour_packet", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "salt", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "cube_of_yeast", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "suger", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "oil", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "dough", count = 1 },
Tables = {
Zones = {
Main = { coords = vector3(807.64, -757.04, 26.54), radius = 0.55, debug = false },
Crafting = {
Pizza_base = {
Title = "Pizza Base",
description = "Requirements: Dough",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "dough", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "pizza_base", count = 1 },
Capricciosa = {
Title = "Capricciosa",
description = "Requirements: Pizza Base, Prosciutto cotto, Mushroom, Artichokes, Tomatto Sauce, Olives, Wooden pizza tray",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "pizza_base", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "prosciutto_cotto", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "mushroom", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "artichokes", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "tomatto_sauce", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "olives", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "pizza_wood", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "pizza_capricciosa", count = 1 },
Diavola = {
Title = "Diavola",
description = "Requirements: Pizza Base, Mozzarella, Chili, Tomatto Sauce, Spici salami, Basil, Parmesan, Wooden pizza tray",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "pizza_base", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "mozzarella", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "chili", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "tomatto_sauce", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "spici_salami", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "basil", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "parmesan", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "pizza_wood", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "pizza_diavola", count = 1 },
Margherita = {
Title = "Margherita",
description = "Requirements: Pizza Base, Mozzarella, Basil, Milk, Tomatto sauce, Wooden pizza tray",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "pizza_base", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "mozzarella", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "basil", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "tomatto_sauce", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "pizza_wood", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "pizza_margherita", count = 1 },
Marinara = {
Title = "Marinara",
description = "Requirements: Pizza Base, Tomatto sauce, Garlic, Oregano, Basil, Wooden pizza tray",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "pizza_base", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "tomatto_sauce", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "garlic", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "oregano", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "basil", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "pizza_wood", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "pizza_marinara", count = 1 },
Prosciutto = {
Title = "Prosciutto e funghi",
description = "Requirements: Pizza Base, Ham, Mushroom, Mozzarella, Tomatto Sauce, Oregano, Wooden pizza tray",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "pizza_base", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "ham", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "mushroom", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "mozzarella", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "tomatto_sauce", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "oregano", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "pizza_wood", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "pizza_prosciutto_e_funghi", count = 1 },
Vegetariana = {
Title = "Vegetariana",
description = "Requirements: Pizza Base, Mozzarella, Tomatto Sauce, Aubergines, Zucchini, Basil, Roasted fresh vegetables, Wooden pizza tray",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "pizza_base", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "mozzarella", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "tomatto_sauce", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "aubergines", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "zucchini", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "basil", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "roasted_fresh_vegetables", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "pizza_wood", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "pizza_vegetariana", count = 1 },
Dispensor = {
Zones = {
Main = { coords = vector3(811.5, -765.26, 26.88), radius = 0.45, debug = false },
Crafting = {
eCola = {
Title = "eCola",
description = "Requirements: Empty cup, Ice",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "empty_cup", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "ice", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "ecola", count = 1 },
eCola_light = {
Title = "eCola light",
description = "Requirements: Empty cup, Ice",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "empty_cup", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "ice", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "ecola_light", count = 1 },
Sprunk = {
Title = "Sprunk",
description = "Requirements: Empty cup, Ice",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "empty_cup", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "ice", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "sprunk", count = 1 },
drang_o_tang = {
Title = "Drang O Tang",
description = "Requirements: Empty cup, Ice",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "empty_cup", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "ice", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "drang_o_tang", count = 1 },
BossMenu = {
Main = { coords = vector3(797.14, -751.51, 31.27), radius = 0.36, debug = false },
IceMachine = {
Zones = {
FrontBar = { coords = vector3(803.16, -759.86, 26.59), radius = 0.55, debug = false },
Crafting = {
Ice = {
Title = "Get Ice Cube",
description = "Get ice cube to drinks!",
RequiredItems = {
--{ item = nil, count = 1, remove = false },
AddItems = {
{ item = "ice", count = 1 },
Registers = {
FrontBar = { coords = vector3(810.89, -751.46, 27.08), radius = 0.50, debug = false, amount = 0 },
Stashes = {
Stash1 = {
name = "Pizza_Stash1",
label = "Pizza Stash 1",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-warehouse",
TargetLabel = "Stash",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(803.8328, -756.7545, 27.1547),
radius = 0.85,
debug = false,
job = "pizza"
Stash2 = {
name = "Pizza_Stash2",
label = "Pizza Stash 2",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-warehouse",
TargetLabel = "Stash",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(801.6605, -756.7809, 27.1275),
radius = 0.5,
debug = false,
job = "pizza"
Refregiato3 = {
name = "Pizza_Refregiator3",
label = "Pizza Refregiator 3",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-ice-cream",
TargetLabel = "Refregiator",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-590.89, -1058.66, 22.62),
radius = 0.7,
debug = false,
job = "pizza"
Stash4 = {
name = "Pizza_Stash4",
label = "Pizza Stash 4",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-warehouse",
TargetLabel = "Stash",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(805.89, -761.65, 27.14),
radius = 0.6,
debug = false,
job = "pizza"
Stash5 = {
name = "Pizza_Stash5",
label = "Pizza Stash 5",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-warehouse",
TargetLabel = "Stash",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(805.91, -763.24, 27.14),
radius = 0.6,
debug = false,
job = "pizza"
Stash6 = {
name = "Pizza_Stash6",
label = "Pizza Stash 6",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-warehouse",
TargetLabel = "Stash",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(805.76, -764.88, 27.14),
radius = 0.6,
debug = false,
job = "pizza"
Stash7 = {
name = "Pizza_Stash7",
label = "Pizza Stash 7",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-warehouse",
TargetLabel = "Stash",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-588.03, -1067.97, 22.34),
radius = 0.8,
debug = false,
job = "pizza"
Stash8 = {
name = "Pizza_Stash8",
label = "Pizza Stash 8",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-warehouse",
TargetLabel = "Stash",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-590.6, -1068.04, 22.34),
radius = 0.8,
debug = false,
job = "pizza"
Stash9 = {
name = "Pizza_Stash9",
label = "Pizza Stash 9",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-warehouse",
TargetLabel = "Stash",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-598.38, -1062.47, 22.99),
radius = 1.55,
debug = false,
job = "pizza"
Stash10 = {
name = "Pizza_Stash10",
label = "Pizza Stash 10",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-warehouse",
TargetLabel = "Stash",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-597.69, -1065.61, 22.99),
radius = 1.55,
debug = false,
job = "pizza"
Stash11 = {
name = "Pizza_Stash11",
label = "Pizza Stash 11",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-warehouse",
TargetLabel = "Stash",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-598.06, -1068.31, 22.99),
radius = 1.55,
debug = false,
job = "pizza"
Table = {
name = "Pizza_Table",
label = "Pizza Table",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(807.04, -751.58, 26.28),
radius = 1.0,
debug = false
Table2 = {
name = "Pizza_Table2",
label = "Pizza Table 2",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(803.11, -751.55, 26.23),
radius = 1.0,
debug = false
Table3 = {
name = "Pizza_Table3",
label = "Pizza Table 3",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(799.18, -751.57, 26.38),
radius = 1.0,
debug = false
Table4 = {
name = "Pizza_Table4",
label = "Pizza Table 4",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(795.54, -751.63, 26.48),
radius = 1.0,
debug = false
Table5 = {
name = "Pizza_Table5",
label = "Pizza Table 5",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(797.85, -749.11, 26.48),
radius = 1.0,
debug = false
Table6 = {
name = "Pizza_Table6",
label = "Pizza Table 6",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(799.14, -755.0, 26.43),
radius = 1.0,
debug = false
Table7 = {
name = "Pizza_Table7",
label = "Pizza Table 7",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(799.33, -759.72, 26.63),
radius = 0.6,
debug = false
Table8 = {
name = "Pizza_Table8",
label = "Pizza Table 8",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(799.28, -757.62, 26.58),
radius = 0.6,
debug = false
Table9 = {
name = "Pizza_Table9",
label = "Pizza Table 9",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(801.39, -754.8, 26.48),
radius = 0.6,
debug = false
Table10 = {
name = "Pizza_Table10",
label = "Pizza Table 10",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(803.48, -754.79, 26.48),
radius = 0.6,
debug = false
Table11 = {
name = "Pizza_Table11",
label = "Pizza Table 11",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(805.57, -754.78, 26.58),
radius = 0.6,
debug = false
Table12 = {
name = "Pizza_Table12",
label = "Pizza Table 12",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(810.13, -741.3, 26.48),
radius = 0.8,
debug = false
Table13 = {
name = "Pizza_Table13",
label = "Pizza Table 13",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(807.68, -754.83, 26.43),
radius = 0.6,
debug = false
Table14 = {
name = "Pizza_Table14",
label = "Pizza Table 14",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(804.54, -741.29, 26.38),
radius = 0.8,
debug = false
Table15 = {
name = "Pizza_Table15",
label = "Pizza Table 15",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(798.21, -741.27, 26.33),
radius = 0.8,
debug = false
Table16 = {
name = "Pizza_Table16",
label = "Pizza Table 16",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(797.87, -747.07, 26.43),
radius = 0.8,
debug = false
Table17 = {
name = "Pizza_Table17",
label = "Pizza Table 17",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(811.07, -747.17, 26.33),
radius = 0.8,
debug = false
Table18 = {
name = "Pizza_Table18",
label = "Pizza Table 18",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(809.86, -758.52, 21.95),
radius = 0.65,
debug = false
Config.Blips = {
pizza = { -- do not use same value twice (will result in overwriting of blip)
BlipCoords = vec3(809.7130, -752.5562, 26.7775), -- Blip coords
Sprite = 267, -- Blip Icon
Display = 4, -- keep 4
Scale = 0.8, -- Size of blip
Colour = 36, -- colour
Name = "PIZZA THIS" -- Blip name
Config.JobBlips = {
PawnShop = { -- do not use same value twice (will result in overwriting of blip)
BlipCoords = vec3(86.9939, 190.4899, 105.2662), -- Blip coords
Sprite = 59, -- Blip Icon
Display = 4, -- keep 4
Scale = 0.8, -- Size of blip
Colour = 36, -- colour
Name = "PIZZA THIS - Shop" -- Blip name
Config.Shop = {
Header = "Pizza This Shop",
Items = {
{ label = 'Calamari', item = 'calamari', description = "Buy Calamari for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Clams', item = 'clams', description = "Buy Clams for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Diced prosciutto', item = 'diced_prosciutto', description = "Buy Diced prosciutto for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Meatballs', item = 'meatballs', description = "Buy Meatballs for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Onion', item = 'onion', description = "Buy Onion for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Pasta', item = 'pasta', description = "Buy Pasta for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Shrimps', item = 'shrimps', description = "Buy Shrimps for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Squid rings', item = 'squid_rings', description = "Buy Squid rings for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Vodka sauce', item = 'vodka_sauce', description = "Buy Vodka sauce for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Chocolate mocha', item = 'chocolate_mocha', description = "Buy Chocolate mocha for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Ice cream', item = 'ice_cream', description = "Buy Ice cream for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Mascarpone', item = 'mascarpone', description = "Buy Mascarpone for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Artichokes', item = 'artichokes', description = "Buy Artichokes for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Aubergines', item = 'aubergines', description = "Buy Aubergines for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Basil', item = 'basil', description = "Buy Basil for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Garlic', item = 'garlic', description = "Buy Garlic for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Ham', item = 'ham', description = "Buy Ham for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Chili', item = 'chili', description = "Buy Chili for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Mozzarella', item = 'mozzarella', description = "Buy Mozzarella for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Mushroom', item = 'mushroom', description = "Buy Mushroom for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Olives', item = 'olives', description = "Buy Olives for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Oregano', item = 'oregano', description = "Buy Oregano for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Parmesan', item = 'parmesan', description = "Buy Parmesan for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Prosciutto cotto', item = 'prosciutto_cotto', description = "Buy Prosciutto cotto for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Roasted fresh vegetables', item = 'roasted_fresh_vegetables', description = "Buy Roasted fresh vegetables for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Spici salami', item = 'spici_salami', description = "Buy Spici salami for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Tomatto sauce', item = 'tomatto_sauce', description = "Buy Tomatto sauce for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Zucchini', item = 'zucchini', description = "Buy Zucchini for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Milk', item = 'milk', description = "Buy Milk for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Espresso', item = 'espresso', description = "Buy Espresso for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Empty rum glass', item = 'empty_rum', description = "Buy Empty rum glass for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Empty beer glass', item = 'empty_beer', description = "Buy Empty beer glass for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Vanilla ice cream', item = 'vanilla_ice_cream', description = "Buy Vanilla ice cream for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Chocolate ice cream', item = 'chocolate_ice_cream', description = "Buy Chocolate ice cream for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Strawberry', item = 'strawberry', description = "Buy Strawberry for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Blueberry', item = 'blueberry', description = "Buy Blueberry for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Raspberry', item = 'raspberry', description = "Buy Raspberry for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Mango', item = 'mango', description = "Buy Mango for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Empty cup', item = 'empty_cup', description = "Buy Empty cup for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Flour packet', item = 'flour_packet', description = "Buy Flour packet for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Cube of yeast', item = 'cube_of_yeast', description = "Buy Cube of yeast for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Oil', item = 'oil', description = "Buy Oil for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Salt', item = 'salt', description = "Buy Salt for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Suger', item = 'suger', description = "Buy Suger for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Wooden pizza tray', item = 'pizza_wood', description = "Buy Wooden pizza tray for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Bowl', item = 'bar_bowl', description = "Buy Bowl for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Cup', item = 'cup', description = "Buy Cup for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
Ped = {
{ model = "u_m_y_mani", coords = vec4(86.9939, 190.4899, 104.2662, 159.1098), scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_VALET" },
-- Consumables / Drinking / Eating
Config.Consumables = {
pizza_vegetariana = { -- Item name
Log = "He ate vegetariana",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "pizza_vegetariana", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = false,
AddItem = "pizza_wood_dirt", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'pizza_slice',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.14, 0.05, 0.01),
rot = vec3(-242.0, 0.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
pizza_prosciutto_e_funghi = { -- Item name
Log = "He ate Prosciutto e funghi",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "pizza_prosciutto_e_funghi", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
AddItem = "pizza_wood_dirt", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'pizza_slice',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.14, 0.05, 0.01),
rot = vec3(-242.0, 0.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
pizza_marinara = { -- Item name
Log = "He ate Marinara",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "pizza_marinara", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
AddItem = "pizza_wood_dirt", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'pizza_slice',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.14, 0.05, 0.01),
rot = vec3(-242.0, 0.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
pizza_margherita = { -- Item name
Log = "He ate Margherita",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "pizza_margherita", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = false,
AddItem = "pizza_wood_dirt", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'pizza_slice',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.14, 0.05, 0.01),
rot = vec3(-242.0, 0.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
pizza_diavola = { -- Item name
Log = "He ate diavola",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "pizza_diavola", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = false,
AddItem = "pizza_wood_dirt", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'pizza_slice',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.14, 0.05, 0.01),
rot = vec3(-242.0, 0.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
pizza_capricciosa = { -- Item name
Log = "He ate Capricciosa",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "pizza_capricciosa", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = false,
AddItem = "pizza_wood_dirt", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'pizza_slice',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.14, 0.05, 0.01),
rot = vec3(-242.0, 0.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
tiramisu = { -- Item name
Log = "He ate tiramisu",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "tiramisu", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
AddItem = "bar_bowl_dirty", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'prop_cs_burger_01',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, 0.06, 0.02),
rot = vec3(-130.0, -7.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
medaly_of_fresh_fruits = { -- Item name
Log = "He ate Medely of fresh fruits",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "medaly_of_fresh_fruits", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = false,
AddItem = "bar_bowl_dirty", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'prop_cs_burger_01',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, 0.06, 0.02),
rot = vec3(-130.0, -7.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
chocolate_and_vanilla_gelato_ice_cream = { -- Item name
Log = "He ate Chocolate And vanilla gelato ice cream",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "chocolate_and_vanilla_gelato_ice_cream", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
AddItem = "bar_bowl_dirty", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'prop_cs_burger_01',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, 0.06, 0.02),
rot = vec3(-130.0, -7.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
alla_vodka = { -- Item name
Log = "He ate Alla Vodka",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "alla_vodka", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = false,
AddItem = "bar_bowl_dirty", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'prop_cs_burger_01',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, 0.06, 0.02),
rot = vec3(-130.0, -7.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
bolognese = { -- Item name
Log = "He ate warm bolognese",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "bolognese", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
AddItem = "bar_bowl_dirty", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'prop_cs_burger_01',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, 0.06, 0.02),
rot = vec3(-130.0, -7.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
calamari_marinara = { -- Item name
Log = "He ate calamari marinara",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "calamari_marinara", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = false,
AddItem = "bar_bowl_dirty", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'prop_cs_burger_01',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, 0.06, 0.02),
rot = vec3(-130.0, -7.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
pescatore = { -- Item name
Log = "He ate pescatore",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "pescatore", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = false,
AddItem = "bar_bowl_dirty", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'prop_cs_burger_01',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, 0.06, 0.02),
rot = vec3(-130.0, -7.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
cappuccino = { -- Item name
Log = "He drink cappuccino",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "cappuccino", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
AddItem = "dirty_cup", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Drinking...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "thirst", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a',
clip = 'idle_c'
prop = {
model = 'p_amb_coffeecup_01',
bone = 57005,
pos = vec3(0.15, 0.02, -0.03),
rot = vec3(-70.0, 30.0, 10.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
latte_macchiato = { -- Item name
Log = "He drink latte macchiato",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "latte_macchiato", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = false,
AddItem = "dirty_cup", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Drinking...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "thirst", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a',
clip = 'idle_c'
prop = {
model = 'p_amb_coffeecup_01',
bone = 57005,
pos = vec3(0.15, 0.02, -0.03),
rot = vec3(-70.0, 30.0, 10.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
sprunk = { -- Item name
Log = "He drink sprunk",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "sprunk", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
AddItem = "destroyed_cup", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Drinking...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "thirst", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a',
clip = 'idle_c'
prop = {
model = 'prop_cs_bs_cup',
bone = 57005,
pos = vec3(0.15, 0.02, -0.03),
rot = vec3(-70.0, 30.0, 10.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
drang_o_tang = { -- Item name
Log = "He drink drang_o_tang",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "drang_o_tang", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
AddItem = "destroyed_cup", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Drinking...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "thirst", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a',
clip = 'idle_c'
prop = {
model = 'prop_cs_bs_cup',
bone = 57005,
pos = vec3(0.15, 0.02, -0.03),
rot = vec3(-70.0, 30.0, 10.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
ecola = { -- Item name
Log = "He drink ecola",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "ecola", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
AddItem = "destroyed_cup", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Drinking...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "thirst", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a',
clip = 'idle_c'
prop = {
model = 'prop_cs_bs_cup',
bone = 57005,
pos = vec3(0.15, 0.02, -0.03),
rot = vec3(-70.0, 30.0, 10.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
ecola_light = { -- Item name
Log = "He drink ecola_light",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "ecola_light", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = false,
AddItem = "destroyed_cup", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Drinking...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "thirst", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a',
clip = 'idle_c'
prop = {
model = 'prop_cs_bs_cup',
bone = 57005,
pos = vec3(0.15, 0.02, -0.03),
rot = vec3(-70.0, 30.0, 10.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
piswasser = { -- Item name
Log = "Drank piswasser",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "piswasser", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
AddItem = "empty_beer_dirt", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Drinking...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "drunk", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a',
clip = 'idle_c'
prop = {
model = 'prop_beer_pissh',
bone = 57005,
pos = vec3(0.14, -0.12, -0.04),
rot = vec3(-84.0, 0.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
am_beer = { -- Item name
Log = "Drank am_beer",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "am_beer", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
AddItem = "empty_beer_dirt", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Drinking...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "drunk", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a',
clip = 'idle_c'
prop = {
model = 'prop_beer_amopen',
bone = 57005,
pos = vec3(0.14, -0.12, -0.04),
rot = vec3(-84.0, 0.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
duscbe_gold = { -- Item name
Log = "Drank duscbe_gold",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "duscbe_gold", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
AddItem = "empty_beer_dirt", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Drinking...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "drunk", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a',
clip = 'idle_c'
prop = {
model = 'prop_beerdusche',
bone = 57005,
pos = vec3(0.13, -0.13, -0.04),
rot = vec3(-90.0, 0.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
logger = { -- Item name
Log = "Drank logger",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "logger", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
AddItem = "empty_beer_dirt", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Drinking...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "drunk", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a',
clip = 'idle_c'
prop = {
model = 'prop_beer_logger',
bone = 57005,
pos = vec3(0.14, -0.12, -0.04),
rot = vec3(-84.0, 0.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
ragga_rum = { -- Item name
Log = "Drank ragga_rum",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "ragga_rum", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
AddItem = "empty_rum_dirt", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Drinking...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "drunk", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a',
clip = 'idle_c'
prop = {
model = 'prop_drink_whisky',
bone = 57005,
pos = vec3(0.14, -0.03, -0.04),
rot = vec3(-90.0, 100.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
cherenkov = { -- Item name
Log = "Drank cherenkov",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "cherenkov", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
AddItem = "empty_rum_dirt", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Drinking...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "drunk", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a',
clip = 'idle_c'
prop = {
model = 'prop_drink_whisky',
bone = 57005,
pos = vec3(0.14, -0.03, -0.04),
rot = vec3(-90.0, 100.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
Config.ChairsDebug = false
Config.Chairs = {
coords = vector3(808.3350, -755.4413, 26.3425), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 95.5674, radius = 0.8, distance = 2.0,
LeaveCoords = vector4(808.2972, -753.6256, 25.7808, 174.2817)
coords = vector3(808.3517, -754.4514, 26.3425), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 83.7319, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(808.2972, -753.6256, 25.7808, 174.2817)
coords = vector3(807.0764, -755.4775, 26.3425), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 279.6558, radius = 0.8, distance = 2.0,
LeaveCoords = vector4(806.9636, -753.5406, 25.7808, 198.3418)
coords = vector3(807.0367, -754.4321, 26.3425), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 268.3143, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(806.9636, -753.5406, 25.7808, 198.3418)
coords = vector3(806.2369, -755.4573, 26.3425), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 87.7122, radius = 0.8, distance = 2.0,
LeaveCoords = vector4(806.1459, -753.6194, 25.7809, 175.9150)
coords = vector3(806.2787, -754.3653, 26.3425), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 88.3039, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(806.1459, -753.6194, 25.7809, 175.9150)
coords = vector3(805.0179, -755.4799, 26.3425), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 268.2608, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.0,
LeaveCoords = vector4(804.9142, -753.6290, 25.7808, 182.5086)
coords = vector3(804.9589, -754.5292, 26.3425), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 277.0409, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(804.9142, -753.6290, 25.7808, 182.5086)
coords = vector3(804.1472, -755.4328, 26.3425), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 77.0121, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.0,
LeaveCoords = vector4(804.1606, -753.5588, 25.7809, 180.9067)
coords = vector3(804.1793, -754.2485, 26.3425), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 105.0420, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(804.1606, -753.5588, 25.7809, 180.9067)
coords = vector3(802.8377, -755.6551, 26.3425), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 269.3852, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.0,
LeaveCoords = vector4(802.8239, -753.6290, 25.7809, 160.4956)
coords = vector3(802.8407, -754.3984, 26.3425), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 270.1320, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(802.8239, -753.6290, 25.7809, 160.4956)
coords = vector3(802.0806, -755.4266, 26.3425), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 91.4848, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(802.0793, -753.6176, 25.7808, 203.8184)
coords = vector3(802.0805, -754.4078, 26.3425), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 96.2304, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(802.0793, -753.6176, 25.7808, 203.8184)
coords = vector3(800.7370, -755.4534, 26.3425), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 284.9577, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(800.6466, -753.5042, 25.7808, 179.3494)
coords = vector3(800.7749, -754.4265, 26.3425), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 286.0640, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(800.6466, -753.5042, 25.7808, 179.3494)
coords = vector3(799.2586, -756.9387, 26.3425), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 187.8095, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(798.3643, -756.9547, 25.7808, 269.9816)
coords = vector3(799.3206, -758.3079, 26.3425), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 3.9010, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(798.2222, -758.3746, 25.7808, 274.7951)
coords = vector3(799.3768, -759.0669, 26.3425), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 185.2483, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(798.3638, -759.0886, 25.7808, 274.4447)
coords = vector3(799.4681, -760.4307, 26.3425), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 10.0904, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(798.3610, -760.4984, 25.7808, 276.5729)
coords = vector3(795.1854, -752.5078, 26.3526), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 352.2891, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(795.7284, -752.4341, 25.7808, 90.3863)
coords = vector3(795.1304, -750.6523, 26.3526), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 221.1590, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(795.6139, -750.5679, 25.7808, 100.5334)
coords = vector3(797.1257, -748.8319, 26.3526), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 274.7277, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(797.1068, -749.3845, 25.7808, 354.7202)
coords = vector3(798.8823, -748.7974, 26.3526), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 89.6475, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(798.8762, -749.4100, 25.7808, 344.8675)
coords = vector3(798.1847, -751.4985, 26.3526), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 264.2618, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(798.2350, -752.1440, 25.7808, 340.6651)
coords = vector3(799.9872, -751.5463, 26.3511), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 88.0302, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(799.9365, -752.0330, 25.7808, 3.3325)
--TABLE 10
coords = vector3(802.2035, -751.5634, 26.3526), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 273.4987, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(802.2433, -752.1411, 25.7808, 3.1952)
coords = vector3(804.0197, -751.5058, 26.3526), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 88.0152, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(803.9924, -751.9940, 25.7808, 4.1191)
--TABLE 11
coords = vector3(806.1362, -751.5663, 26.3526), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 279.2083, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(806.0741, -751.0408, 25.7808, 193.9966)
coords = vector3(807.9379, -751.5430, 26.3526), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 87.0661, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(807.9562, -750.9671, 25.7808, 180.1281)
--TABLE 12
coords = vector3(799.1913, -747.0765, 26.3786), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 93.6502, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(799.2814, -746.4518, 25.7812, 174.8412)
coords = vector3(796.7157, -747.1267, 26.3786), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 291.1268, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(796.6921, -746.4443, 25.7812, 188.8027)
--TABLE 13
coords = vector3(796.8834, -741.3405, 26.3786), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 272.0860, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(796.9255, -741.9116, 25.7812, 4.4311)
coords = vector3(799.4584, -741.3033, 26.3786), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 109.3664, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(799.6761, -741.9236, 25.7812, 21.1530)
--TABLE 14
coords = vector3(803.3087, -741.3984, 26.3786), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 286.1407, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(803.3444, -741.9149, 25.7812, 358.4854)
coords = vector3(805.8447, -741.2909, 26.3786), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 122.4503, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(806.1091, -741.8721, 25.7812, 21.3362)
--TABLE 15
coords = vector3(808.7787, -741.3649, 26.3786), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 269.8582, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(808.7112, -742.0323, 25.7812, 9.5037)
coords = vector3(811.3383, -741.3238, 26.3786), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 99.8386, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(811.4473, -741.9581, 25.7812, 338.9150)
--TABLE 16
coords = vector3(809.7365, -747.1882, 26.3786), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 289.8467, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(809.5953, -746.4631, 25.7812, 193.5664)
coords = vector3(812.2598, -747.1047, 26.3786), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 94.4055, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(812.3586, -746.5530, 25.7812, 159.0011)
coords = vector3(804.8235, -761.5103, 30.8595), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 10.0000, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(804.9355, -762.1285, 30.2659, 21.7753)
coords = vector3(805.5680, -760.5578, 30.8595), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 80.0000, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(806.1615, -760.5832, 30.2659, 84.6999)
coords = vector3(805.5680, -759.6108, 30.8595), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 89.9999, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(806.1085, -759.5929, 30.2659, 102.7546)
coords = vector3(805.5680, -758.8568, 30.8595), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 89.9999, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(806.1020, -758.8597, 30.2659, 92.1319)
coords = vector3(804.0225, -758.8580, 30.8579), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 270.0000, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(803.3118, -758.8897, 30.2659, 268.5404)
coords = vector3(803.9820, -759.6108, 30.8592), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 270.0000, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(803.3713, -759.6249, 30.2659, 260.5863)
coords = vector3(803.9843, -760.6093, 30.8595), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 280.0000, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(803.4733, -760.7552, 30.2659, 298.2218)
coords = vector3(796.1982, -767.5921, 30.8501), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 0.0000, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(796.2727, -766.9634, 30.0659, 0.0000)
coords = vector3(796.8491, -763.8401, 30.8501), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 180.0000, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(796.7746, -764.4689, 30.0659, 180.0000)
coords = vector3(796.1022, -763.8401, 30.8501), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 180.0000, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(796.0278, -764.4689, 30.0659, 180.0000)
coords = vector3(795.3106, -763.9909, 30.8546), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 180.0000, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(795.2814, -764.4689, 30.0659, 180.0000)
coords = vector3(803.1825, -756.2792, 30.8775), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 94.8404, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(802.7441, -755.6454, 30.0659, 185.5153)
coords = vector3(802.2103, -757.3939, 30.8773), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 10.4874, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(802.6547, -756.8187, 30.0699, 178.0273)
coords = vector3(800.9064, -757.3796, 30.8770), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 343.0113, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(800.2835, -756.8223, 30.0659, 271.7743)
coords = vector3(798.5128, -752.7512, 30.8568), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 38.8061, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(799.1675, -752.4105, 30.0659, 101.3284)
coords = vector3(797.2133, -752.7282, 30.8568), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 341.4042, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(796.6154, -752.5399, 30.0659, 288.4821)
coords = vector3(797.8287, -750.4192, 30.8568), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 189.8213, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(797.1949, -750.3650, 30.0659, 271.4822)
coords = vector3(802.4764, -749.4454, 30.8699), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 152.8023, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(801.9728, -749.8411, 30.0665, 255.9670)
coords = vector3(809.7654, -759.6310, 21.8909), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 357.1799, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(809.2358, -759.4973, 20.5958, 270.5168)
coords = vector3(808.7660, -758.5641, 21.8909), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 264.7444, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(808.6571, -758.0287, 20.5958, 184.9897)
coords = vector3(809.7297, -757.3330, 21.8909), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 170.6144, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(810.2132, -757.4529, 20.5958, 69.4913)
--SOFA 1
coords = vector3(796.4467, -762.3998, 30.8808), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 1.2146, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(796.4052, -761.9422, 30.026, 8.1369)
coords = vector3(795.4512, -761.4255, 30.8808), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 265.7719, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(796.0360, -761.5883, 30.0642, 280.3280)
coords = vector3(795.4714, -760.4379, 30.8808), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 266.7816, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(795.9704, -760.3947, 30.0186, 273.4791)
coords = vector3(795.4957, -759.4350, 30.8808), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 283.5150, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(795.9180, -759.3959, 30.0632, 271.3223)
--SOFA 2
coords = vector3(795.2219, -763.9092, 26.3721), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 267.8583, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(795.7571, -763.8268, 25.6532, 270.9060)
coords = vector3(795.2426, -764.9700, 26.3721), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 277.5727, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(795.7632, -764.8908, 25.6558, 274.6295)
coords = vector3(795.2114, -765.8340, 26.3721), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 293.2905, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(795.7633, -765.9334, 25.6556, 269.3319)
coords = vector3(796.5449, -767.3336, 26.3742), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 3.3312, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(796.4786, -766.8863, 25.6536, 356.6890)
Config.Delivery = {
item = "alla_vodka", -- Item name
Label = "Alla vodka", -- Item label
MinPrice = 25, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 25, -- Max price
MinCount = 1, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 5, -- Max Count
item = "bolognese", -- Item name
Label = "Bolognese", -- Item label
MinPrice = 25, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 25, -- Max price
MinCount = 1, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 5, -- Max Count
item = "calamari_marinara", -- Item name
Label = "Calamari Marinara", -- Item label
MinPrice = 25, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 25, -- Max price
MinCount = 1, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 5, -- Max Count
item = "pescatore", -- Item name
Label = "Pescatore", -- Item label
MinPrice = 25, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 25, -- Max price
MinCount = 1, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 5, -- Max Count
item = "chocolate_and_vanilla_gelato_ice_cream", -- Item name
Label = "Chocolate And vanilla gelato ice cream", -- Item label
MinPrice = 25, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 25, -- Max price
MinCount = 1, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 5, -- Max Count
item = "tiramisu", -- Item name
Label = "Tiramisu", -- Item label
MinPrice = 25, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 25, -- Max price
MinCount = 1, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 5, -- Max Count
item = "medaly_of_fresh_fruits", -- Item name
Label = "Medely of fresh fruits", -- Item label
MinPrice = 25, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 25, -- Max price
MinCount = 1, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 5, -- Max Count
item = "pizza_capricciosa", -- Item name
Label = "Capricciosa", -- Item label
MinPrice = 25, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 25, -- Max price
MinCount = 1, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 5, -- Max Count
item = "pizza_diavola", -- Item name
Label = "Diavola", -- Item label
MinPrice = 25, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 25, -- Max price
MinCount = 1, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 5, -- Max Count
item = "pizza_margherita", -- Item name
Label = "Margherita", -- Item label
MinPrice = 25, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 25, -- Max price
MinCount = 1, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 5, -- Max Count
item = "pizza_marinara", -- Item name
Label = "Marinara", -- Item label
MinPrice = 25, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 25, -- Max price
MinCount = 1, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 5, -- Max Count
item = "pizza_prosciutto_e_funghi", -- Item name
Label = "Prosciutto e funghi", -- Item label
MinPrice = 25, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 25, -- Max price
MinCount = 1, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 5, -- Max Count
item = "pizza_vegetariana", -- Item name
Label = "Vegetariana", -- Item label
MinPrice = 25, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 25, -- Max price
MinCount = 1, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 5, -- Max Count
Last updated