Config - Smallo
This is the config for drc_burgershot. You have already in drc_burgershot folder!
--ONLY CONFIG NAMED sh_config.lua will work!
Config = {}
Config.debug = false -- Debug
Config.Framework = "auto-detect" -- Framework | types: auto-detect, qbcore, ESX, standalone
Config.NewESX = true
Config.Target = "auto-detect" -- Target | types: auto-detect, qb-target, qtarget, ox_target
Config.BossMenu = "auto-detect" -- BossMenu | types: auto-detect, esx_society, qb-management
Config.NotificationType = "ox_lib" -- Notifications | types: ESX, ox_lib, qbcore
Config.Progress = "ox_lib_square" -- ProgressBar | types: progressBars, ox_lib_square, ox_lib_circle, qbcore | Preview: ox_lib_square = , ox_lib_circle = , qbcore =
Config.Clothing = "auto-detect" -- Skin / Clothing | types: auto-detect, esx_skin, qb-clothing, fivem-appearance, ox_appearance
Config.Context = "ox_lib" -- Context | types: ox_lib, qbcore
Config.Input = "ox_lib" -- Input | types: ox_lib, qb-input
Config.PoliceJobs = { 'police', 'sheriff' } -- For Alert
Config.Dispatch = { enabled = true, script = "linden_outlawalert" } -- cd_dispatch, linden_outlawalert, ps-disptach
Config.JobName = "burgershot" -- Job name for burgershot
Config.BossGrade = 4 -- Boss Grade
Config.NeedDuty = true -- Required duty to make drinks etc.
Config.NeedCleanHands = true -- Required to clean hands to make drinks etc.
Config.Logs = { enabled = true, type = "webhook" } -- use webhook or ox_lib (datadog) Can be changed in server > sv_utils.lua
Config.DropPlayer = true -- Drop (Kick) Player if tries to cheat!
Config.AnticheatBan = false -- Change in server/sv_Utils.lua!!! WIll not work by default you need to add your custom trigger to ban player!
Config.Inventory = "auto-detect" -- auto-detect, ox, quasar, chezza, qb
Config.BurgerShot = {
PolyZone = {
coords = vector3(-1199.77, -901.66, 12.97), size = vec3(50.0, 50.0, 50), rotation = 121, debug = false, RemovePeds = true, radius = 60.0
Garage = {
Ped = {
{ Model = "s_m_y_xmech_01", Coords = vec4(-1173.9, -894.89, 12.82, 312.5),
Vehicles = {
{ Model = "nspeedo", Label = "Vapid Speedo", livery = 1, image = "", metadata = {""}, },
SpawnPoints = {
{ Coords = vector3(-1172.1040, -897.9276, 13.5969), Heading = 327.4710, Radius = 3.0 }
AlertPolice = vec3(-1193.4432, -896.8927, 14.5505),
Delivery = vec3(-1196.6673583984, -896.77795410156, 13.572855186462),
Brooms = {
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "broom", count = 1, remove = false },
AddItems = {
-- { item = "sponge_dirty", count = 1 },
Zones = {
Floor = { coords = vector3(-1194.5334, -890.1933, 12.9742), radius = 0.5, debug = false },
Floor2 = { coords = vector3(-1193.2783, -892.2173, 12.9742), radius = 0.5, debug = false },
Floor3 = { coords = vector3(-1191.9510, -894.1881, 12.9742), radius = 0.5, debug = false },
Floor4 = { coords = vector3(-1197.0837, -884.8391, 12.9742), radius = 0.5, debug = false },
Floor5 = { coords = vector3(-1185.0891, -884.9429, 12.9742), radius = 0.5, debug = false },
Sponges = {
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "sponge", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "sponge_dirty", count = 1 },
Zones = {
Table = { coords = vector3(-1193.9685, -884.1683, 13.9023), radius = 0.5, debug = false },
Table2 = { coords = vector3(-1191.5093, -882.1744, 13.8598), radius = 0.5, debug = false },
Table3 = { coords = vector3(-1191.8616, -886.4615, 13.9458), radius = 0.5, debug = false },
Table4 = { coords = vector3(-1188.3643, -891.5195, 13.8598), radius = 0.5, debug = false },
Table5 = { coords = vector3(-1187.2268, -893.8322, 13.8598), radius = 0.5, debug = false },
Table6 = { coords = vector3(-1184.7747, -892.3605, 13.8594), radius = 0.5, debug = false },
Table7 = { coords = vector3(-1182.5670, -890.6787, 13.8598), radius = 0.5, debug = false },
Table8 = { coords = vector3(-1189.1254, -880.8628, 13.9150), radius = 0.2, debug = false },
Table9 = { coords = vector3(-1187.3936, -882.5668, 13.8598), radius = 0.5, debug = false },
Table10 = { coords = vector3(-1183.8003, -888.3983, 13.8593), radius = 0.5, debug = false },
Table11 = { coords = vector3(-1186.8787, -889.2422, 13.0236), radius = 0.5, debug = false },
Table12 = { coords = vector3(-1189.4801, -885.4841, 13.8594), radius = 0.2, debug = false },
Table13 = { coords = vector3(-1193.6744, -888.3749, 13.8598), radius = 0.5, debug = false },
Table14 = { coords = vector3(-1191.0438, -892.0811, 13.8594), radius = 0.5, debug = false },
Rag = {
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "rag", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "rag_dirty", count = 1 },
Zones = {
Door = { coords = vector3(-1198.1671, -884.5576, 13.9827), radius = 0.5, debug = false },
Door2 = { coords = vector3(-1197.3727, -884.0793, 13.9825), radius = 0.5, debug = false },
Door3 = { coords = vector3(-1184.2870, -884.2136, 13.9829), radius = 0.5, debug = false },
Door4 = { coords = vector3(-1183.6982, -885.0411, 13.9825), radius = 0.5, debug = false },
SpawnObjects = true,
Burgers = {
Zones = {
FrontBar = {
coords = vector3(-1198.31, -897.74, 13.85),
PropCoords = vec4(-1198.0179, -897.6154, 13.7094, 306.2035),
radius = 0.35,
debug = false,
Crafting = {
Bleeder = {
Title = "The Bleeder Burger",
description = "Requirements: 1x Chopped salad, 1x Cooked chicken breasts, 1x Sliced burger bread, 1x Tartar, 1x Bacon, 1x Onion slice",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "cooked_chicken_breasts", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "onion_slice", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "bacon", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "burger_salat", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "sliced_burger_bread", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "tartar", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "the_bleeder_burger", count = 1 },
HearthStopper = {
Title = "Heart Stopper Burger",
description = "Requirements: 1x Cooked patty, 1x Bacon, 1x Sliced burger bread, 1x Tartar ",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "cooked_patty", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "bacon", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "sliced_burger_bread", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "tartar", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "heart_stopper_burger", count = 1 },
MeatFree = {
Title = "Meat Free Burger",
description = "Requirements: 1x Chopped salad, 1x Sliced burger tomatos, 1x Sliced burger bread, 1x Ketchup, 2x Fried egg, 1x Chese, 1x Onion slice",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "burger_salat", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "sliced_burger_tomatos", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "sliced_burger_bread", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "ketchup", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "fried_egg", count = 2, remove = true },
{ item = "chese", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "onion_slice", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "meat_free_burger", count = 1 },
MoneyShot = {
Title = "Money Shot Burger",
description = "Requirements: 1x Chopped salad, 1x Sliced burger tomatos, 1x Sliced burger bread, 1x Bacon, 1x Cooked chicken breasts, 1x Cooked patty ",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "burger_salat", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "sliced_burger_tomatos", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "sliced_burger_bread", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "bacon", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "cooked_chicken_breasts", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "cooked_patty", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "money_shot_burger", count = 1 },
Sandwich = {
Title = "Sandwiches",
description = "Requirements: 1x Toast, 1x Cooked chicken breasts, 1x Ketchup ",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "sandwich_bread", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "cooked_chicken_breasts", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "ketchup", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "sandwiches", count = 1 },
Fingle = {
Title = "Fingle Burger",
description = "Requirements: 1x Cooked patty, 1x Sliced burger tomatos, 1x Chese, 1x Sliced burger bread, 1x Onion slice, 1x Chopped pickle ",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "cooked_patty", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "sliced_burger_tomatos", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "chese", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "sliced_burger_bread", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "onion_slice", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "chopped_pickle", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "fingle_burger", count = 1 },
Sinks = {
Zones = {
Sink = {
coords = vector3(-1198.18, -902.96, 13.85),
radius = 0.35,
debug = false,
WaterStream = vector3(-1198.09, -903.04, 14.1),
Sink2 = {
coords = vector3(-1196.99, -902.17, 13.85),
radius = 0.35,
debug = false,
WaterStream = vector3(-1196.95, -902.29, 14.1),
Crafting = {
CleanCup = {
Title = "Clean Cup",
description = "Requirements: Dirty Cup",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
prop = `v_ret_gc_cup`,
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "dirty_cup", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "cup", count = 1 },
ToiletSinks = {
SinksWC = {
coords = vector3(-1198.61, -887.56, 14.0),
radius = 0.35,
debug = false,
WaterStream = vector3(-1198.31, -887.6, 14.0),
PedPosition = vector4(-1200.58, -889.831, 13.798, 305.9),
PedHeading = vector4(-1200.58, -889.831, 13.798, 305.9),
SinksWC2 = {
coords = vector3(-1200.81, -889.06, 13.9),
radius = 0.5,
debug = false,
WaterStream = vector3(-1200.54, -889.13, 14.0),
PedPosition = vector4(-1202.37, -895.503, 13.798, 212.4),
PedHeading = vector4(-1202.37, -895.503, 13.798, 212.4),
Toilets = {
WC = {
coords = vector3(-1199.85, -886.37, 13.45),
radius = 0.3,
debug = false,
WaterStream = vector3(-1200.6492, -889.8526, 13.7984),
PedPosition = vector4(-1203.775390625,-888.94647216797,13.294439315796, 221.4),
PedHeading = vector4(-1200.6337, -889.8301, 13.7984, 297.8448),
WC2 = {
coords = vector3(-1202.06, -887.9, 13.55),
radius = 0.3,
debug = false,
WaterStream = vector3(-1200.6492, -889.8526, 13.7984),
PedPosition = vector4(-1206.8791503906,-891.04705810547,13.300285339355, 208.7),
PedHeading = vector4(-1200.6337, -889.8301, 13.7984, 297.8448),
Duty = {
Main = { coords = vector3(-1193.28, -898.13, 14.65), radius = 0.2, debug = false },
CloakRoom = {
Main = { coords = vector3(-1194.908203125, -901.32116699219, 14.555415153503), radius = 0.4, debug = false },
Drinks = {
Zones = {
Main = { coords = vector3(-1199.66, -895.06, 14.4), radius = 0.45, debug = false },
Main2 = { coords = vector3(-1199.08, -895.89, 14.4), radius = 0.45, debug = false },
Crafting = {
eCola = {
Title = "eCola",
description = "Requirements: Empty cup, Ice",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "empty_cup", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "ice", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "ecola", count = 1 },
eCola_light = {
Title = "eCola light",
description = "Requirements: Empty cup, Ice",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "empty_cup", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "ice", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "ecola_light", count = 1 },
Sprunk = {
Title = "Sprunk",
description = "Requirements: Empty cup, Ice",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "empty_cup", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "ice", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "sprunk", count = 1 },
drang_o_tang = {
Title = "Drang O Tang",
description = "Requirements: Empty cup, Ice",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "empty_cup", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "ice", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "drang_o_tang", count = 1 },
IceCream = {
Zones = {
Main = { coords = vector3(-1200.2306, -896.5807, 14.2091), radius = 0.5, debug = false },
Crafting = {
IceBlue = {
Title = "Sludgie Ice Blue",
description = "Requirements: 1x Ice, 1x Water ",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "ice", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "water", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "sludgie_ice_blue", count = 1 },
IceGreen = {
Title = "Drang-Sludgie Ice Green",
description = "Requirements: 1x Ice, 1x Water ",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "water", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "ice", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "sludgie_ice_green", count = 1 },
Coffee = {
Zones = {
Main = { coords = vector3(-1184.53, -902.83, 5.98), radius = 0.3, debug = false },
Crafting = {
Coffee = {
Title = "Coffee",
description = "Requirements: 1x Cup, 1x Milk ",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "milk", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "cup", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "coffee", count = 1 },
Donut = {
Zones = {
Main = { coords = vector3(-1196.51, -895.71, 14.37), radius = 0.35, debug = false },
Crafting = {
ChocolateDonut = {
Title = "Chocolate donut",
description = "Requirements: 15x Money",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "money", count = 15, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "chocolate_donut", count = 1 },
ClassicDonut = {
Title = "Classic donut",
description = "Requirements: 15x Money",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "money", count = 15, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "classic_donut", count = 1 },
prepare = {
Zones = {
Main = { coords = vector3(-1199.53, -902.24, 13.8), radius = 0.45, debug = false },
Crafting = {
tomato = {
Title = "Cut the tomato",
description = "Requirements: tomato",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "tomato", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "sliced_burger_tomatos", count = 1 },
burger = {
Title = "Cut the burger bread",
description = "Requirements: Burger bread",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "burger_bread", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "sliced_burger_bread", count = 1 },
wrapfries = {
Title = "Wrap the fries",
description = "Requirements: Fried fries, Salt",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "fried_fries", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "salt", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "fries_burgershot", count = 1 },
cucumber = {
Title = "Cut a pickle",
description = "Requirements: Cucumber",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "cucumber", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "chopped_pickle", count = 5 },
salad = {
Title = "Slice of salad",
description = "Requirements: salad",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "salad", count = 1, remove = true, },
AddItems = {
{ item = "salad_slices", count = 1 },
Onion = {
Title = "Cut the onion",
description = "Requirements: Onion",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "onion", count = 1, remove = true, },
AddItems = {
{ item = "onion_slice", count = 1 },
chese = {
Title = "Unwrap the package of cheese",
description = "Requirements: Cheese package",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "chees_packege", count = 1, remove = true, },
AddItems = {
{ item = "chese", count = 10 },
fries = {
Zones = {
Main = { coords = vector3(-1201.5, -899.06, 13.8), radius = 0.5, debug = false },
Crafting = {
Fries = {
Title = "Freedom Fries",
description = "Requirements: Raw fries",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "raw_fries", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "fried_fries", count = 1 },
Grill = {
Zones = {
Main = { coords = vector3(-1200.68, -900.67, 14.0), SteakCoords = vector4(-1200.7709, -900.6591, 13.7601, 123.8085), radius = 0.3, debug = false },
Crafting = {
Steak = {
Title = "Grill steak",
description = "Requirements: Raw patty",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "raw_patty", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "cooked_patty", count = 1 },
Bacon = {
Title = "Grill bacon",
description = "Requirements: Bacon in package",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "bacon_in_packeg", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "bacon", count = 1 },
Nuggets = {
Title = "Wrap the chicken nuggets",
description = "Requirements: Raw chicken breasts",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "raw_chicken_breasts", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "cooked_chicken_breasts", count = 1 },
Friedegg = {
Title = "Make a bull's eye",
description = "Requirements: Egg",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "egg", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "fried_egg", count = 1 },
BossMenu = {
Main = { coords = vector3(-1178.66, -896.79, 13.87), radius = 0.7, debug = false },
IceMachine = {
Zones = {
Main = { coords = vector3(-1195.7628173828, -901.23028564453, 14.056010246277), radius = 0.35, debug = false },
Crafting = {
Ice = {
Title = "Get Ice Cube",
description = "Get ice cube to drinks!",
RequiredItems = {
--{ item = nil, count = 1, remove = false },
AddItems = {
{ item = "ice", count = 1 },
Registers = {
Register1 = { coords = vector3(-1195.97, -891.32, 14.1), radius = 0.35, debug = false, amount = 0 },
Register2 = { coords = vector3(-1194.67, -893.27, 14.2), radius = 0.35, debug = false, amount = 0 },
Register3 = { coords = vector3(-1193.35, -895.19, 14.1), radius = 0.35, debug = false, amount = 0 },
Stashes = {
Stash1 = {
name = "Burgershot_Stash1",
label = "Burgershot Stash 1",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-warehouse",
TargetLabel = "Stash",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-1196.8, -895.63, 14.0),
radius = 0.8,
debug = false,
job = "burgershot"
Stash2 = {
name = "Burgershot_Stash2",
label = "Burgershot Stash 2",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-warehouse",
TargetLabel = "Stash",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-1197.65, -894.31, 14.0),
radius = 0.8,
debug = false,
job = "burgershot"
Refregiato3 = {
name = "Burgershot_Refregiator3",
label = "Burgershot Refregiator 3",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-ice-cream",
TargetLabel = "Refregiator",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-1203.59, -895.73, 14.3),
radius = 0.65,
debug = false,
job = "burgershot"
Stash4 = {
name = "Burgershot_Stash4",
label = "Burgershot Stash 4",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-warehouse",
TargetLabel = "Stash",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-1198.57, -893.05, 14.0),
radius = 0.8,
debug = false,
job = "burgershot"
Stash5 = {
name = "Burgershot_Stash5",
label = "Burgershot Stash 5",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-warehouse",
TargetLabel = "Stash",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-1202.75, -892.23, 14.0),
radius = 1.0,
debug = false,
job = "burgershot"
Stash6 = {
name = "Burgershot_Stash6",
label = "Burgershot Stash 6",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-warehouse",
TargetLabel = "Stash",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-1204.86, -893.39, 14.0),
radius = 1.0,
debug = false,
job = "burgershot"
Stash7 = {
name = "Burgershot_Stash7",
label = "Burgershot Stash 7",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-warehouse",
TargetLabel = "Stash",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-1197.53, -899.53, 13.45),
radius = 0.5,
debug = false,
job = "burgershot"
Table = {
name = "Burgershot_Table1",
label = "Burgershot Table1",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-1194.4194, -883.5793, 13.8598),
radius = 0.7,
debug = false
Table2 = {
name = "Burgershot_Table2",
label = "Burgershot Table2",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-1191.7693, -881.7582, 13.8598),
radius = 0.7,
debug = false
Table3 = {
name = "Burgershot_Table3",
label = "Burgershot Table3",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-1191.6476, -886.7646, 13.8726),
radius = 0.7,
debug = false
Table4 = {
name = "Burgershot_Table4",
label = "Burgershot Table4",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-1188.6902, -891.0579, 13.8726),
radius = 0.7,
debug = false
Table5 = {
name = "Burgershot_Table5",
label = "Burgershot Table5",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-1186.7477, -894.4928, 13.8598),
radius = 0.7,
debug = false
Table6 = {
name = "Burgershot_Table6",
label = "Burgershot Table6",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-1184.4232, -892.8663, 13.8598),
radius = 0.7,
debug = false
Table7 = {
name = "Burgershot_Table7",
label = "Burgershot Table7",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-1181.9763, -890.3454, 13.8598),
radius = 0.7,
debug = false
Table8 = {
name = "Burgershot_Table8",
label = "Burgershot Table8",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-1183.3058, -888.0558, 13.8598),
radius = 0.7,
debug = false
Table9 = {
name = "Burgershot_Table9",
label = "Burgershot Table9",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-1187.3492, -889.6043, 13.1658),
radius = 0.7,
debug = false
Table10 = {
name = "Burgershot_Table10",
label = "Burgershot Table10",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-1189.8287, -885.7791, 13.8599),
radius = 0.7,
debug = false
Table11 = {
name = "Burgershot_Table11",
label = "Burgershot Table11",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-1193.1693, -888.1139, 13.8598),
radius = 0.7,
debug = false
Table12 = {
name = "Burgershot_Table12",
label = "Burgershot Table12",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-1190.7311, -891.8875, 13.8598),
radius = 0.7,
debug = false
Table13 = {
name = "Burgershot_Table13",
label = "Burgershot Table13",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-1189.0411, -880.6561, 13.9433),
radius = 0.7,
debug = false
Table14 = {
name = "Burgershot_Table14",
label = "Burgershot Table14",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-1186.9178, -882.2547, 13.8598),
radius = 0.7,
debug = false
Trash1 = {
name = "Burgershot_Trash1",
label = "Burgershot Trash 1",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-trash",
TargetLabel = "Trash",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-1197.41, -887.18, 13.9),
radius = 0.4,
debug = false
Trash2 = {
name = "Burgershot_Trash2",
label = "Burgershot Trash 2",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-trash",
TargetLabel = "Trash",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-1190.94, -896.77, 14.0),
radius = 0.4,
debug = false
Trash3 = {
name = "Burgershot_Trash3",
label = "Burgershot Trash 3",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-trash",
TargetLabel = "Trash",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-1189.89, -883.99, 14.0),
radius = 0.4,
debug = false
Trash4 = {
name = "Burgershot_Trash4",
label = "Burgershot Trash 4",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-trash",
TargetLabel = "Trash",
Slots = 20,
Weight = 50000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-1185.74, -890.27, 14.0),
radius = 0.4,
debug = false
Tray1 = {
name = "Burgershot_Tray1",
label = "Tray 1",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-hand-holding",
TargetLabel = "Tray",
Slots = 6,
Weight = 5000, -- 50 KG
coords = vector3(-1193.87, -894.41, 14.1),
radius = 0.3,
debug = false
Config.Blips = {
burgershot = { -- do not use same value twice (will result in overwriting of blip)
BlipCoords = vec3(-1198.6497, -899.8333, 13.0742), -- Blip coords
Sprite = 536, -- Blip Icon
Display = 4, -- keep 4
Scale = 0.8, -- Size of blip
Colour = 1, -- colour
Name = "BurgerShot" -- Blip name
Config.JobBlips = {
PawnShop = { -- do not use same value twice (will result in overwriting of blip)
BlipCoords = vec3(-676.8303, -2458.2749, 12.9444), -- Blip coords
Sprite = 59, -- Blip Icon
Display = 4, -- keep 4
Scale = 0.8, -- Size of blip
Colour = 1, -- colour
Name = "BurgerShot - Shop" -- Blip name
Config.Shop = {
Header = "BurgerShot Shop",
Items = {
{ label = 'Bacon in package', item = 'bacon_in_packeg', description = "Buy Bacon in package for: $", price = 5, MinAmount = 1, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Burger bread', item = 'burger_bread', description = "Buy Burger bread for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Cheese package', item = 'chees_packege', description = "Buy Cheese package for: $", price = 5, MinAmount = 1, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Onion', item = 'onion', description = "Buy Onion for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Potatos', item = 'potatos', description = "Buy Potatos for: $", price = 5, MinAmount = 1, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Raw chicken breasts', item = 'raw_chicken_breasts', description = "Buy Raw chicken breasts for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Raw patty', item = 'raw_patty', description = "Buy Raw patty for: $", price = 5, MinAmount = 1, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Salad', item = 'salad', description = "Buy Salad for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Salt', item = 'salt', description = "Buy Salt for: $", price = 5, MinAmount = 1, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Tartar', item = 'tartar', description = "Buy Tartar for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Tomato', item = 'tomato', description = "Buy Tomato for: $", price = 5, MinAmount = 1, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Ketchup', item = 'ketchup', description = "Buy Ketchup for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Cucumber', item = 'cucumber', description = "Buy Cucumber for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Toast', item = 'sandwich_bread', description = "Buy Toast for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Egg', item = 'egg', description = "Buy Egg for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Milk', item = 'milk', description = "Buy Milk for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Water', item = 'water', description = "Buy Water for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Cup', item = 'cup', description = "Buy Cup for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Empty cup for slushie', item = 'empty_cup_for_slushie', description = "Buy Empty cup for slushie for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Empty cup', item = 'empty_cup', description = "Buy Empty cup for: $", price = 8, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 20, image = "", metadata = {""} },
Ped = {
{ model = "csb_burgerdrug", coords = vec4(-676.8303, -2458.2749, 12.9444, 151.7778), scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_GUARD_STAND" },
-- Consumables / Drinking / Eating
Config.Consumables = {
fingle_burger = { -- Item name
Log = "He ate fingle_burger",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "fingle_burger", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = false,
-- AddItem = "bar_bowl_dirty", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'prop_cs_burger_01',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, 0.06, 0.02),
rot = vec3(-130.0, -7.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
heart_stopper_burger = { -- Item name
Log = "He ate heart_stopper_burger",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "heart_stopper_burger", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
--AddItem = "plate_dirty", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'prop_cs_burger_01',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, 0.06, 0.02),
rot = vec3(-130.0, -7.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
meat_free_burger = { -- Item name
Log = "He ate meat_free_burger",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "meat_free_burger", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
--AddItem = "plate_dirty", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'prop_cs_burger_01',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, 0.06, 0.02),
rot = vec3(-130.0, -7.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
money_shot_burger = { -- Item name
Log = "He ate money_shot_burger",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "money_shot_burger", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = false,
-- AddItem = "bar_bowl_dirty", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'prop_cs_burger_01',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, 0.06, 0.02),
rot = vec3(-130.0, -7.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
sandwiches = { -- Item name
Log = "He ate sandwiches",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "sandwiches", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = false,
--AddItem = "bar_bowl_dirty", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'prop_cs_burger_01',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, 0.06, 0.02),
rot = vec3(-130.0, -7.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
the_bleeder_burger = { -- Item name
Log = "He ate the_bleeder_burger",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "the_bleeder_burger", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = false,
-- AddItem = "bar_bowl_dirty", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'prop_cs_burger_01',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, 0.06, 0.02),
rot = vec3(-130.0, -7.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
classic_donut = { -- Item name
Log = "He ate classic_donut",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "classic_donut", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = false,
-- AddItem = "bar_bowl_dirty", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'prop_cs_burger_01',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, 0.06, 0.02),
rot = vec3(-130.0, -7.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
chocolate_donut = { -- Item name
Log = "He ate chocolate_donut",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "chocolate_donut", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = false,
-- AddItem = "bar_bowl_dirty", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'prop_cs_burger_01',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, 0.06, 0.02),
rot = vec3(-130.0, -7.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
fries_burgershot = { -- Item name
Log = "He ate fries_burgershot",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "fries_burgershot", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = false,
-- AddItem = "bar_bowl_dirty", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'prop_cs_burger_01',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, 0.06, 0.02),
rot = vec3(-130.0, -7.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
coffee = { -- Item name
Log = "He drink coffee",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "coffee", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
AddItem = "cup_dirty", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Drinking...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "thirst", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a',
clip = 'idle_c'
prop = {
model = 'v_ind_cfbottle',
bone = 57005,
pos = vec3(0.15, 0.02, -0.03),
rot = vec3(-70.0, 30.0, 10.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
sludgie_ice_blue = { -- Item name
Log = "He drink sludgie_ice_blue",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "sludgie_ice_blue", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
AddItem = "cup_dirty", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Drinking...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "thirst", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a',
clip = 'idle_c'
prop = {
model = 'v_ind_cfbottle',
bone = 57005,
pos = vec3(0.15, 0.02, -0.03),
rot = vec3(-70.0, 30.0, 10.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
sludgie_ice_green = { -- Item name
Log = "He drink sludgie_ice_green",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "sludgie_ice_green", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
--AddItem = "cup_dirty", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Drinking...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "thirst", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a',
clip = 'idle_c'
prop = {
model = 'v_ind_cfbottle',
bone = 57005,
pos = vec3(0.15, 0.02, -0.03),
rot = vec3(-70.0, 30.0, 10.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
sprunk = { -- Item name
Log = "He drink sprunk",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "sprunk", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
AddItem = "destroyed_cup", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Drinking...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "thirst", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a',
clip = 'idle_c'
prop = {
model = 'prop_cs_bs_cup',
bone = 57005,
pos = vec3(0.15, 0.02, -0.03),
rot = vec3(-70.0, 30.0, 10.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
drang_o_tang = { -- Item name
Log = "He drink drang_o_tang",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "drang_o_tang", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
AddItem = "destroyed_cup", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Drinking...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "thirst", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a',
clip = 'idle_c'
prop = {
model = 'prop_cs_bs_cup',
bone = 57005,
pos = vec3(0.15, 0.02, -0.03),
rot = vec3(-70.0, 30.0, 10.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
ecola = { -- Item name
Log = "He drink ecola",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "ecola", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
AddItem = "destroyed_cup", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Drinking...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "thirst", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a',
clip = 'idle_c'
prop = {
model = 'prop_cs_bs_cup',
bone = 57005,
pos = vec3(0.15, 0.02, -0.03),
rot = vec3(-70.0, 30.0, 10.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
ecola_light = { -- Item name
Log = "He drink ecola_light",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "ecola_light", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = false,
AddItem = "destroyed_cup", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Drinking...",
duration = 12500,
Effect = { status = "thirst", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a',
clip = 'idle_c'
prop = {
model = 'prop_cs_bs_cup',
bone = 57005,
pos = vec3(0.15, 0.02, -0.03),
rot = vec3(-70.0, 30.0, 10.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
Config.Chairsdebug = false
Config.Chairs = {
coords = vector3(-1195.5583, -883.5443, 13.5835), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 302.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1194.5504, -884.8779, 12.9955, 210.9711)
coords = vector3(-1194.9783, -884.3590, 13.5844), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 302.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1194.5504, -884.8779, 12.9955, 210.9711)
coords = vector3(-1193.7539, -882.4595, 13.5833), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 122.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1192.9291, -883.8646, 12.9954, 218.7506)
coords = vector3(-1193.2881, -883.2466, 13.5854), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 122.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1192.9291, -883.8646, 12.9954, 218.7506)
coords = vector3(-1192.4152, -882.7624, 13.5830), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 302.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1192.1156, -883.1169, 14.1863, 214.0947)
coords = vector3(-1193.0344, -881.8456, 13.5831), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 302.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1192.1156, -883.1169, 14.1863, 214.0947)
coords = vector3(-1191.3334, -880.5920, 13.5831), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 122.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1190.5229, -882.2052, 12.9953, 217.4984)
coords = vector3(-1190.8191, -881.5062, 13.5866), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 122.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1190.5229, -882.2052, 12.9953, 217.4984)
coords = vector3(-1192.6444, -887.2487, 13.6054), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 302.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1193.3621, -886.2528, 12.9953, 30.6979)
coords = vector3(-1190.7150, -886.1010, 13.6054), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 122.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1191.6334, -885.0182, 12.9878, 37.5779)
coords = vector3(-1191.2611, -887.2740, 13.6054), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 35.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1192.1533, -885.9396, 12.9953, 33.8159)
coords = vector3(-1189.5607, -891.8080, 13.6054), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 302.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1188.8632, -892.7526, 12.9953, 256.0212)
coords = vector3(-1187.6991, -890.5875, 13.6054), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 122.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1187.2827, -891.4910, 12.9953, 214.8867)
coords = vector3(-1189.1614, -890.3345, 13.6054), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 210.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1188.1836, -892.0276, 12.9953, 216.2983)
coords = vector3(-1187.8701, -894.8236, 13.5858), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 302.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1188.1666, -894.1989, 12.9953, 34.9804)
coords = vector3(-1187.3190, -895.7585, 13.5830), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 302.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1188.1666, -894.1989, 12.9953, 34.9804)
coords = vector3(-1185.7356, -894.3665, 13.5839), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 122.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1186.6997, -893.2155, 14.0016, 30.7297)
coords = vector3(-1186.2336, -893.7660, 13.5871), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 122.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1186.6997, -893.2155, 14.0016, 30.7297)
coords = vector3(-1184.8923, -893.8538, 13.5842), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 302.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1185.7480, -892.6600, 14.1661, 37.7716)
coords = vector3(-1185.3615, -893.1348, 13.5846), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 302.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1185.7480, -892.6600, 14.1661, 37.7716)
coords = vector3(-1183.6370, -891.9904, 13.5833), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 122.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1184.0665, -891.4291, 12.9837, 33.6069)
coords = vector3(-1183.2352, -892.9016, 13.5903), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 122.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1184.0665, -891.4291, 12.9837, 33.6069)
coords = vector3(-1181.4718, -891.7590, 13.6146), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 30.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1183.6693, -891.1624, 12.9953, 37.1332)
coords = vector3(-1181.1211, -889.8461, 13.6145), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 122.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1183.1765, -890.0790, 12.9953, 127.2182)
coords = vector3(-1189.7026, -879.5187, 13.6148), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 214.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1189.9012, -881.7452, 12.9953, 214.2076)
coords = vector3(-1188.0604, -879.8022, 13.6178), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 122.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1188.8402, -881.5601, 12.9953, 114.3438)
coords = vector3(-1187.8920, -881.7051, 13.5830), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 214.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1188.4757, -882.0827, 12.9953, 120.1834)
coords = vector3(-1187.0427, -881.2704, 13.5878), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 214.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1188.4757, -882.0827, 12.9953, 120.1834)
coords = vector3(-1185.8766, -882.8805, 13.5834), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 32.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1187.3121, -883.7650, 12.9888, 120.4620)
coords = vector3(-1186.6213, -883.3887, 13.5834), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 32.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1187.3121, -883.7650, 12.9888, 120.4620)
--TABLE 10
coords = vector3(-1183.9777, -887.4630, 13.5840), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 214.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1184.5354, -887.8547, 12.9953, 123.6936)
coords = vector3(-1183.1906, -886.9704, 13.5855), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 214.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1184.5354, -887.8547, 12.9953, 123.6936)
coords = vector3(-1182.0604, -888.4542, 13.5910), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 32.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1183.3937, -889.5206, 12.9881, 122.2614)
coords = vector3(-1182.7885, -889.1234, 13.5850), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 32.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1183.3937, -889.5206, 12.9881, 122.2614)
coords = vector3(-1187.5167, -888.7435, 13.5857), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 214.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1186.7625, -888.2603, 12.9953, 299.9189)
coords = vector3(-1186.6176, -890.1049, 13.5856), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 32.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1185.8960, -889.5760, 12.9953, 304.1359)
coords = vector3(-1190.0437, -884.9494, 13.5856), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 214.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1189.4525, -884.5828, 12.9952, 310.2265)
coords = vector3(-1189.1527, -886.4265, 13.5856), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 32.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1188.5365, -886.1063, 12.9953, 309.0464)
coords = vector3(-1193.8191, -887.4745, 13.5856), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 214.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1194.3508, -887.7472, 12.9953, 132.1059)
coords = vector3(-1192.8711, -888.9226, 13.5856), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 32.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1193.3495, -889.1927, 12.9885, 124.0524)
coords = vector3(-1191.3231, -891.2761, 13.5857), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 214.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1191.8732, -891.4331, 12.9953, 117.2761)
coords = vector3(-1190.4607, -892.6590, 13.5857), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 32.0, radius = 0.5, distance = 2.2,
LeaveCoords = vector4(-1190.8881, -892.9267, 12.9954, 128.5695)
Config.Delivery = {
item = "fingle_burger", -- Item name
Label = "Fingle Burger", -- Item label
MinPrice = 25, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 25, -- Max price
MinCount = 1, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 5, -- Max Count
item = "heart_stopper_burger", -- Item name
Label = "Heart Stopper Burger", -- Item label
MinPrice = 25, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 25, -- Max price
MinCount = 1, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 5, -- Max Count
item = "meat_free_burger", -- Item name
Label = "Meat Free Burger", -- Item label
MinPrice = 25, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 25, -- Max price
MinCount = 1, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 5, -- Max Count
item = "the_bleeder_burger", -- Item name
Label = "The Bleeder Burger", -- Item label
MinPrice = 25, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 25, -- Max price
MinCount = 1, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 5, -- Max Count
item = "sandwiches", -- Item name
Label = "Sandwiches", -- Item label
MinPrice = 25, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 25, -- Max price
MinCount = 1, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 5, -- Max Count
item = "money_shot_burger", -- Item name
Label = "Money Shot Burger", -- Item label
MinPrice = 25, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 25, -- Max price
MinCount = 1, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 5, -- Max Count
item = "sprunk", -- Item name
Label = "Sprunk", -- Item label
MinPrice = 25, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 25, -- Max price
MinCount = 1, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 5, -- Max Count
item = "ecola", -- Item name
Label = "eCola", -- Item label
MinPrice = 25, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 25, -- Max price
MinCount = 1, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 5, -- Max Count
item = "ecola_light", -- Item name
Label = "eCola Light", -- Item label
MinPrice = 25, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 25, -- Max price
MinCount = 1, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 5, -- Max Count
item = "drang_o_tang", -- Item name
Label = "Drang o Tang", -- Item label
MinPrice = 25, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 25, -- Max price
MinCount = 1, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 5, -- Max Count
item = "sludgie_ice_blue", -- Item name
Label = "Sludgie Ice Blue", -- Item label
MinPrice = 25, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 25, -- Max price
MinCount = 1, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 5, -- Max Count
item = "sludgie_ice_green", -- Item name
Label = "Sludgie Ice Green", -- Item label
MinPrice = 25, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 25, -- Max price
MinCount = 1, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 5, -- Max Count
item = "classic_donut", -- Item name
Label = "Classic donut", -- Item label
MinPrice = 25, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 25, -- Max price
MinCount = 1, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 5, -- Max Count
item = "chocolate_donut", -- Item name
Label = "Chocolate donut", -- Item label
MinPrice = 25, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 25, -- Max price
MinCount = 1, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 5, -- Max Count
Last updated