Config - Slth
This is the config for drc_beanmachine. You have already in drc_beanmachine folder!
--ONLY CONFIG NAMED sh_config.lua will work!
Config = {}
Config.Debug = false -- Debug
Config.Framework = "auto-detect" -- Framework | types: auto-detect, qbcore, ESX, standalone
Config.NewESX = true
Config.Target = "auto-detect" -- Target | types: auto-detect, qb-target, qtarget, ox_target
Config.BossMenu = "auto-detect" -- BossMenu | types: auto-detect, esx_society, qb-management
Config.NotificationType = "ox_lib" -- Notifications | types: ESX, ox_lib, qbcore
Config.Progress = "ox_lib_circle" -- ProgressBar | types: progressBars, ox_lib_square, ox_lib_circle, qbcore | Preview: ox_lib_square = , ox_lib_circle = , qbcore =
Config.Clothing = "auto-detect" -- Skin / Clothing | types: auto-detect, esx_skin, qb-clothing, fivem-appearance, ox_appearance
Config.Context = "ox_lib" -- Context | types: ox_lib, qbcore
Config.Input = "ox_lib" -- Input | types: ox_lib, qb-input
Config.PoliceJobs = { 'police', 'sheriff' } -- Jobs which can be alerted
Config.Dispatch = { enabled = true, script = "linden_outlawalert" } -- cd_dispatch, linden_outlawalert, ps-disptach
Config.JobName = "beanmachine" -- Job name for beanmachine
Config.BossGrade = 5 -- Boss Grade
Config.NeedDuty = true -- Required duty to make drinks etc.
Config.NeedCleanHands = true -- Required to clean hands to make drinks etc.
Config.Logs = { enabled = true, type = "webhook" } -- use webhook or ox_lib (datadog) Can be changed in server > sv_utils.lua
Config.DropPlayer = false -- Drop (Kick) Player if tries to cheat!
Config.AnticheatBan = false -- Change in server/sv_Utils.lua!!! WIll not work by default you need to add your custom trigger to ban player!
Config.Inventory = "auto-detect" -- auto-detect, ox, quasar, chezza, qb
Config.MLO = "slth" -- gabz, uj, slth -- dont change!
Config.beanmachine = {
PolyZone = {
coords = vector3(280.5424, -973.7957, 29.4215), size = vec3(100.0, 100.0, 100.0), rotation = 270, debug = false, RemovePeds = true, radius = 50.0
Garage = {
Ped = {
{ Model = "s_m_y_xmech_01", Coords = vec4(335.38, -950.97, 28.58, 193.85),
Vehicles = {
{ Model = "nspeedo", Label = "Vapid Speedo", livery = 0, image = "", metadata = {""}, },
SpawnPoints = {
{ Coords = vector3(340.07, -951.32, 28.44), Heading = 37.43, Radius = 3.0 }
AlertPolice = vec3(280.23, -972.76, 29.32),
Delivery = vec3(283.50604248046875, -975.3536987304688, 29.80997848510742),
SpawnObjects = true,
Sinks = {
Zones = {
Sink = {
coords = vector3(281.4722900390625, -975.4017944335938, 29.41128540039062),
radius = 0.35,
debug = false,
WaterStream = vector3(281.47, -975.06, 29.63),
Crafting = {
CleanLatteCup = {
Title = "Clean dirty latte cup",
description = "Required Item: Dirty latte cup",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "dirty_latte_cup", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "latte_cup ", count = 1 },
CleanDirtyGlass = {
Title = "Clean dirty glass",
description = "Required Item: Dirty glass",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "dirty_glass", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "glass", count = 1 },
CleanPlate = {
Title = "Clean dirty plate",
description = "Requited Item: Dirty Plaate",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "dirty_plate", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "plate", count = 1 },
ToiletSinks = {
Toilets = {
CrushedIce = {
Zones = {
-- Main = { coords = vector3(126.15, -1036.41, 29.48), radius = 0.25, debug = false },
Crafting = {
Duty = {
Main = { coords = vector3(284.1087341308594, -975.6376342773438, 29.82658576965332), radius = 0.2, debug = false },
CloakRoom = {
Main = { coords = vector3(122.64398956298828, -1027.904296875, 28.27790451049804), radius = 0.7, debug = false },
Coffeemachine = {
Zones = {
Main = { coords = vector3(279.67, -975.0, 29.87), radius = 0.25, debug = false },
Crafting = {
espresso = {
Title = "Espresso",
description = "Requirements: Coffee Cup, Coffee Beans",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "coffee_cup", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "coffee_beans", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "espresso", count = 1 },
latte = {
Title = "Latte Macchiato",
description = "Requirements: Espresso, Milk, Latte Cup",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "espresso", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "milk", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "latte_cup", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "latte_macchiato", count = 1 },
cappucino = {
Title = "Cappuccino",
description = "Requirements: Espresso, Milk, Coffee Cup",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "espresso", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "milk", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "coffee_cup", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "cappuccino", count = 1 },
ristretto = {
Title = "Ristretto",
description = "Requirements: Espresso, Crema, Coffee Cup",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "espresso", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "crema", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "coffee_cup", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "ristretto", count = 1 },
lungo = {
Title = "Espresso Lungo",
description = "Requirements: Espresso, Crema, Coffee Cup",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "espresso", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "crema", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "coffee_cup", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "lungo", count = 1 },
flatwhite = {
Title = "Flat White",
description = "Requirements: Espresso, Milk, Coffee Cup",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "espresso", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "milk", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "coffee_cup", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "flatwhite", count = 1 },
affogato = {
Title = "Affogato",
description = "Requirements: Espresso, Ice Cream, Coffee Cup",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "espresso", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "icecream", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "coffee_cup", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "affogato", count = 1 },
irish = {
Title = "Irish",
description = "Requirements: Espresso, Whiskey, Sugar, Crema, Latte Cup",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "espresso", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "whiskey", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "sugar", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "crema", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "latte_cup", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "irish", count = 1 },
turkish_coffee = {
Title = "Turkish Coffee",
description = "Requirements: Sugar, Premium Turkish Beans, Coffee Cup",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "sugar", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "turkish_coffee_beans", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "coffee_cup", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "turkish_coffee", count = 1 },
hot_chocolate = {
Title = "Hot Chocolate",
description = "Requirements: Chocolate, Chocolate Topping, Crema, Latte Cup",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "chocolate", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "chocolate_topping", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "crema", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "latte_cup", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "hot_chocolate", count = 1 },
Desert = {
Zones = {
Main = { coords = vector3(280.3150634765625, -975.1241455078124, 29.79253959655761), radius = 0.35, debug = false },
Crafting = {
blackberry_muffin = {
Title = "Blackberry Muffin",
description = "Required Item: Muffin Cups, Blackberry, Muffin",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "muffin_cups", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "blackberry", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "muffin", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "blackberry_muffin", count = 1 },
lychee_muffin = {
Title = "Lychee Muffin",
description = "Required Item: Muffin Cups, Lychee, Muffin",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "muffin_cups", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "lychee", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "muffin", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "lychee_muffin", count = 1 },
oreo_muffin = {
Title = "Oreo Muffin",
description = "Required Item: Muffin Cups, Oreo, Muffin",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "muffin_cups", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "oreo", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "muffin", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "oreo_muffin", count = 1 },
chocolate_muffin = {
Title = "Chocolate Muffin",
description = "Required Item: Muffin Cups, Chocolate, Muffin",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "muffin_cups", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "chocolate", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "muffin", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "chocolate_muffin", count = 1 },
pink_donut = {
Title = "Pink Donut",
description = "Required Item: Donut, Pink Topping",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "donut", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "pink_topping", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "pink_donut", count = 1 },
vanilla_donut = {
Title = "Vanilla Donut",
description = "Required Item: Donut, White Topping, Rainbow Sprinkles",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "donut", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "white_topping", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "rainbow_sprinkles", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "vanilla_donut", count = 1 },
classic_donut = {
Title = "Classic Donut",
description = "Required Item: Donut, Sugar",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "donut", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "sugar", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "donut", count = 1 },
chocolate_donut = {
Title = "Chocolate Donut",
description = "Required Item: Donut, Chocolate Topping, Peanuts Sprinkles",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "donut", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "chocolate_topping", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "peanuts_sprinkles", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "chocolate_donut", count = 1 },
Tables = {
Zones = {
Main = { coords = vector3(279.49, -972.54, 29.58), radius = 0.55, debug = false },
Crafting = {
toast = {
Title = "Toast with Ham and Cheese",
description = "Required Items: Toast Bread, Butter, Ham, Cheese, Plate",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "toast_bread", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "butter", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "ham", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "cheese", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "plate", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "toast", count = 1 },
Dispensor = {
Zones = {
Main = { coords = vector3(280.96, -975.05, 29.8), radius = 0.25, debug = false },
Crafting = {
MintTea = {
Title = "Mint Tea",
description = "Required Items: Tea Cup, Mint",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "glass", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "mint", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "mintea", count = 1 },
GreenTea = {
Title = "Green Tea",
description = "Required Items: Tea Cup, Green Leaf",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "glass", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "greenleaf", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "greentea", count = 1 },
JasmineTea = {
Title = "Jasmine Tea",
description = "Required Items: Tea Cup, Jasmine",
image = "",
metadata = {""},
RequiredItems = {
{ item = "glass", count = 1, remove = true },
{ item = "jasmine", count = 1, remove = true },
AddItems = {
{ item = "jasminetea", count = 1 },
BossMenu = {
Main = { coords = vector3(284.77, -978.78, 29.31), radius = 0.36, debug = false },
Registers = {
FrontBar = { coords = vector3(280.96, -972.75, 29.65), radius = 0.50, debug = false, amount = 0 },
Stashes = {
Stash1 = {
name = "beanmachine_stash1",
label = "Stash #1",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-warehouse",
TargetLabel = "Stash",
Slots = 40,
Weight = 40000, -- 40 KG
coords = vector3(278.89, -973.31, 29.06),
radius = 0.4,
debug = false,
job = "beanmachine"
Stash2 = {
name = "beanmachine_stash2",
label = "Stash #2",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-warehouse",
TargetLabel = "Stash",
Slots = 40,
Weight = 40000, -- 40 KG
coords = vector3(279.45, -972.76, 29.14),
radius = 0.4,
debug = false,
job = "beanmachine"
Stash3 = {
name = "beanmachine_stash3",
label = "Stash #3",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-warehouse",
TargetLabel = "Stash",
Slots = 40,
Weight = 40000, -- 40 KG
coords = vector3(278.86, -974.4, 29.15),
radius = 0.4,
debug = false,
job = "beanmachine"
Stash4 = {
name = "beanmachine_stash4",
label = "Stash #4",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-warehouse",
TargetLabel = "Stash",
Slots = 40,
Weight = 40000, -- 40 KG
coords = vector3(280.65, -975.0, 29.17),
radius = 0.4,
debug = false,
job = "beanmachine"
Table1 = {
name = "beanmachine_table1",
label = "Beanmachine Table #1",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 10,
Weight = 15000, -- 15 KG
coords = vector3(280.51, -972.53, 29.62),
radius = 0.4,
debug = false
Table2 = {
name = "beanmachine_table1",
label = "Beanmachine Table #1",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 10,
Weight = 15000, -- 15 KG
coords = vector3(283.32, -969.88, 28.95),
radius = 0.4,
debug = false
Table3 = {
name = "beanmachine_table3",
label = "Beanmachine Table #3",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 10,
Weight = 15000, -- 15 KG
coords = vector3(283.28, -966.37, 28.9),
radius = 0.4,
debug = false
Table4 = {
name = "beanmachine_table4",
label = "Beanmachine Table #4",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 10,
Weight = 15000, -- 15 KG
coords = vector3(279.54, -967.72, 28.92),
radius = 0.4,
debug = false
Table5 = {
name = "beanmachine_table5",
label = "Beanmachine Table #5",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 10,
Weight = 15000, -- 15 KG
coords = vector3(281.28, -959.12, 29.24),
radius = 0.4,
debug = false
Table6 = {
name = "beanmachine_table6",
label = "Beanmachine Table #6",
TargetIcon = "fas fa-tablet",
TargetLabel = "Table",
Slots = 10,
Weight = 15000, -- 15 KG
coords = vector3(285.29, -959.3, 29.26),
radius = 0.4,
debug = false
Config.Blips = {
beanmachine = { -- do not use same value twice (will result in overwriting of blip)
BlipCoords = vec3(281.2384, -969.9553, 29.4215), -- Blip coords
Sprite = 106, -- Blip Icon
Display = 4, -- keep 4
Scale = 0.7, -- Size of blip
Colour = 31, -- colour
Name = "Bean Machine" -- Blip name
Config.JobBlips = {
PawnShop = { -- do not use same value twice (will result in overwriting of blip)
BlipCoords = vec3(-643.22, -1227.96, 10.55), -- Blip coords
Sprite = 59, -- Blip Icon
Display = 4, -- keep 4
Scale = 0.5, -- Size of blip
Colour = 2, -- colour
Name = "Bean Machine - Shop" -- Blip name
Config.Shop = {
Header = "Beanmachine Shop",
Items = {
{ label = 'Blackberry', item = 'blackberry', description = "Buy Blackberry for: $", price = 25, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 15, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Butter', item = 'butter', description = "Buy Butter for: $", price = 25, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 515, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Donut', item = 'donut', description = "Buy Donut for: $", price = 25, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 15, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Grean Leaf', item = 'greenleaf', description = "Buy Green Leaf Tea for: $", price = 20, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 5, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Ham', item = 'ham', description = "Buy Ham for: $", price = 25, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 15, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Cheese', item = 'cheese', description = "Buy Ramune Watermelon for: $", price = 25, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 15, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Chocolate', item = 'chocolate', description = "Buy Chocolate for: $", price = 20, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 5, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Chocolate Topping', item = 'chocolate_topping', description = "Buy Chocolate Topping for: $", price = 20, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 5, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Jasmine Tea', item = 'jasmine', description = "Buy Jasmine Tea for: $", price = 20, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 5, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Lychee', item = 'lychee', description = "Buy Lychee for: $", price = 20, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 5, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Mint', item = 'mint', description = "Buy Mint for: $", price = 20, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 5, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Muffin', item = 'muffin', description = "Buy Muffin for: $", price = 20, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 5, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Muffin Cups', item = 'muffin_cups', description = "Buy Muffin Cups for: $", price = 20, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 5, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Oreo', item = 'oreo', description = "Buy Oreo for: $", price = 20, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 5, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Peanuts Sprinkles', item = 'peanuts_sprinkles', description = "Buy Peanuts Sprinkles for: $", price = 20, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 5, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Pink Topping', item = 'pink_topping', description = "Buy Pink Topping for: $", price = 20, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 5, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Rainbow Sprinkles', item = 'rainbow_sprinkles', description = "Buy Rainbow Sprinkles for: $", price = 20, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 5, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Sugar', item = 'sugar', description = "Buy Sugar for: $", price = 20, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 5, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Toast Bread', item = 'toast_bread', description = "Buy Toast Bread for: $", price = 20, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 5, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'White Topping', item = 'white_topping', description = "Buy White Topping for: $", price = 20, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 5, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Coffee Cup', item = 'coffee_cup', description = "Buy Coffee Cup for: $", price = 20, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 5, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Coffee Beans', item = 'coffee_beans', description = "Buy Coffee Beans for: $", price = 20, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 5, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Milk', item = 'milk', description = "Buy Milk for: $", price = 20, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 5, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Crema', item = 'crema', description = "Buy Crema for: $", price = 20, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 5, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Ice Cream', item = 'icecream', description = "Buy Ice Cream for: $", price = 20, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 5, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Whiskey', item = 'whiskey', description = "Buy Whiskey for: $", price = 20, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 5, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Tea Glass', item = 'glass', description = "Buy Tea Glass for: $", price = 20, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 5, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Latte Cup', item = 'latte_cup', description = "Buy Latte Cup for: $", price = 20, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 5, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Plate', item = 'plate', description = "Buy Plate for: $", price = 20, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 5, image = "", metadata = {""} },
{ label = 'Cup', item = 'cup', description = "Buy Cup for: $", price = 20, MinAmount = 5, MaxAmount = 5, image = "", metadata = {""} },
Ped = {
{ model = "u_m_y_mani", coords = vec4(-643.28, -1227.97, 10.55, 302.07),, scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_SMOKING" },
Config.Consumables = {
blackberry_muffin = { -- Item name
Log = "You ate Blackberry Mufin",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "blackberry_muffin", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = false,
AddItem = "bar_bowl_dirty", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 6500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'prop_amb_donut',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, 0.05, 0.02),
rot = vec3(-50.0, 100.0, 270.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
donut = { -- Item name
Log = "You ate Donut",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "donut", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = false,
AddItem = "", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 6500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'prop_amb_donut',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, 0.05, 0.02),
rot = vec3(-50.0, 100.0, 270.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
chocolate_donut = { -- Item name
Log = "You ate Chocolate Donut",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "chocolate_donut", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = false,
AddItem = "", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 6500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'prop_amb_donut',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, 0.05, 0.02),
rot = vec3(-50.0, 100.0, 270.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
chocolate_muffin = { -- Item name
Log = "You ate Chocolate Muffin",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "chocolate_muffin", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = false,
AddItem = "bar_bowl_dirty", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 6500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'prop_amb_donut',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, 0.05, 0.02),
rot = vec3(-50.0, 100.0, 270.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
lychee_muffin = { -- Item name
Log = "You ate Lychee Muffin ",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "lychee_muffin", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = false,
AddItem = "bar_bowl_dirty", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 6500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'prop_amb_donut',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, 0.05, 0.02),
rot = vec3(-50.0, 100.0, 270.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
muffin = { -- Item name
Log = "You ate Muffin",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "muffin", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = false,
AddItem = "bar_bowl_dirty", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 6500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'prop_amb_donut',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, 0.05, 0.02),
rot = vec3(-50.0, 100.0, 270.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
oreo_muffin = { -- Item name
Log = "You ate Oreo Muffin",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "spring_rolls", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = false,
AddItem = "bar_bowl_dirty", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 6500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'prop_amb_donut',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, 0.05, 0.02),
rot = vec3(-50.0, 100.0, 270.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
toast = { -- Item name
Log = "You ate Toast",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "toast", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = false,
AddItem = "bar_bowl_dirty", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 6500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'v_res_fa_bread03',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, 0.06, 0.02),
rot = vec3(-130.0, -7.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
pink_donut = { -- Item name
Log = "You ate Pink Donut",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "pink_donut", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = false,
AddItem = "bar_bowl_dirty", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 6500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'prop_amb_donut',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, 0.05, 0.02),
rot = vec3(-50.0, 100.0, 270.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
vanilla_donut = { -- Item name
Log = "You ate Vanilla Donut",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "vanilla_donut", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = false,
AddItem = "bar_bowl_dirty", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Eating...",
duration = 6500,
Effect = { status = "hunger", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
clip = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger'
prop = {
model = 'prop_amb_donut_01',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, 0.05, 0.02),
rot = vec3(-50.0, 100.0, 270.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
lemon_crushedice = { -- Item name
Log = "You drunk Lemon Crushedice",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "lemon_crushedice", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
AddItem = "dirty_cup", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Drinking...",
duration = 6500,
Effect = { status = "thirst", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a',
clip = 'idle_c'
prop = {
model = 'p_amb_coffeecup_01',
bone = 28422,
pos = vec3(0.15, 0.02, -0.03),
rot = vec3(-70.0, 30.0, 10.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
multivitamin_crushedice = { -- Item name
Log = "You drunk Multivitamin Crushedice",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "multivitamin_crushedice", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
AddItem = "dirty_cup", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Drinking...",
duration = 6500,
Effect = { status = "thirst", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a',
clip = 'idle_c'
prop = {
model = 'p_amb_coffeecup_01',
bone = 28422,
pos = vec3(0.15, 0.02, -0.03),
rot = vec3(-70.0, 30.0, 10.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
affogato = { -- Item name
Log = "You drunk Affogato",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "affogato", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
AddItem = "dirty_cup", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Drinking...",
duration = 6500,
Effect = { status = "thirst", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a',
clip = 'idle_c'
prop = {
model = 'v_club_vu_coffeecup',
bone = 28422,
pos = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -0.06),
rot = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
hot_chocolate = { -- Item name
Log = "You drunk Hot Chocolate",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "hot_chocolate", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
AddItem = "dirty_latte_cup", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Drinking...",
duration = 6500,
Effect = { status = "thirst", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a',
clip = 'idle_c'
prop = {
model = 'v_club_vu_coffeecup',
bone = 28422,
pos = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -0.06),
rot = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
espresso = { -- Item name
Log = "You drunk Espresso",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "espresso", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
AddItem = "dirty_latte_cup", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Drinking...",
duration = 6500,
Effect = { status = "thirst", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a',
clip = 'idle_c'
prop = {
model = 'v_club_vu_coffeecup',
bone = 28422,
pos = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -0.06),
rot = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
flatwhite = { -- Item name
Log = "You drunk Flat White",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "flatwhite", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
AddItem = "dirty_latte_cup", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Drinking...",
duration = 6500,
Effect = { status = "thirst", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a',
clip = 'idle_c'
prop = {
model = 'v_club_vu_coffeecup',
bone = 28422,
pos = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -0.06),
rot = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
irish = { -- Item name
Log = "You drunk Irish",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "irish", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
AddItem = "dirty_latte_cup", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Drinking...",
duration = 6500,
Effect = { status = "thirst", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a',
clip = 'idle_c'
prop = {
model = 'v_club_vu_coffeecup',
bone = 28422,
pos = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -0.06),
rot = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
latte_macchiato = { -- Item name
Log = "You drunk Latte Macchiato",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "latte_macchiato", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
AddItem = "dirty_latte_cup", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Drinking...",
duration = 6500,
Effect = { status = "thirst", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a',
clip = 'idle_c'
prop = {
model = 'v_club_vu_coffeecup',
bone = 28422,
pos = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -0.06),
rot = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
lungo = { -- Item name
Log = "You drunk Lungo",
Remove = true, -- Remove item
RemoveItem = "lungo", -- Remove Item name
RemoveItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
Add = true,
AddItem = "dirty_latte_cup", -- Remove Item name
AddItemCount = 1, -- Remove Item Count
ProgressBar = "Drinking...",
duration = 6500,
Effect = { status = "thirst", add = 100000 },
animation = {
emote = {
enabled = true,
anim = {
dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a',
clip = 'idle_c'
prop = {
model = 'v_club_vu_coffeecup',
bone = 28422,
pos = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -0.06),
rot = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
scenario = {
enabled = false,
anim = {
Config.ChairsDebug = false
Config.Chairs = {
coords = vector3(283.3, -965.01, 28.9), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 178.94, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(283.3011, -965.5133, 29.4284, 183.7843)
coords = vector3(283.31, -967.56, 28.89), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 3.23, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(283.2811, -967.0115, 29.4598, 15.8995)
coords = vector3(283.39, -968.6, 28.94), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 178.39, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(283.2071, -969.1050, 29.4839, 185.6878)
coords = vector3(283.44, -971.39, 28.93), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 2.25, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(283.4118, -970.6152, 29.4536, 6.5305)
coords = vector3(279.52, -968.98, 28.92), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 359.23, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(114.6283, -1045.6519, 28.9220, 342.1502)
coords = vector3(279.43, -966.28, 28.93), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 200.37, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(279.6970, -966.9316, 29.4212, 200.4965)
coords = vector3(279.82, -958.98, 28.95), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 265.65, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(280.2664, -959.2816, 29.4182, 273.2191)
coords = vector3(281.23, -960.54, 28.92), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 356.2, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(281.3024, -960.1050, 29.4186, 4.4507)
coords = vector3(282.76, -958.96, 28.9), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 94.51, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(282.3105, -959.0034, 29.4140, 94.5053)
coords = vector3(283.8, -958.83, 28.93), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 253.72, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(284.3370, -959.1464, 29.4186, 246.4179)
coords = vector3(285.28, -960.52, 28.89), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 358.95, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(285.4724, -960.1375, 29.4186, 6.6407)
coords = vector3(286.8, -959.02, 28.92), offsetZ = -0.10, heading = 97.42, radius = 0.5, distance = 1.7,
LeaveCoords = vector4(286.1363, -959.0571, 29.4134, 97.4181)
Config.Delivery = {
item = "donut", -- Item name
Label = "Donut", -- Item label
MinPrice = 850, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 1000, -- Max price
MinCount = 2, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 2, -- Max Count
item = "lemon_crushedice", -- Item name
Label = "Lemon Crushed Ice", -- Item label
MinPrice = 850, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 1000, -- Max price
MinCount = 2, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 2, -- Max Count
item = "oreo_muffin", -- Item name
Label = "Oreo Muffin", -- Item label
MinPrice = 850, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 1000, -- Max price
MinCount = 2, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 2, -- Max Count
item = "pink_donut", -- Item name
Label = "Pink Donut", -- Item label
MinPrice = 850, -- Min price
MaxPrice = 1000, -- Max price
MinCount = 2, -- Min Count
MaxCount = 2, -- Max Count
Last updated