
This is the config for drc_coinsystem. You have already in drc_coinsystem folder!

Config = {}

Config.Debug = false
Config.Framework = "ESX" -- Set your framework! qbcore, ESX, standalone
Config.Target = "qtarget" -- Which Target system do u use? qb-target, qtarget
Config.NotificationType = "ox_lib" -- ESX, ox_lib, qbcore
Config.Dispatch = { enabled = true, script = "linden_outlawalert" } -- cd_dispatch, linden_outlawalert, ps-disptach
Config.PoliceJobs = { 'police', 'sheriff' }
Config.Progress = "ox" -- progressBars, ox, qbcore
Config.Logs = { enabled = true, type = "webhook" } -- use webhook or ox_lib (datadog) Can be changed in server > sv_utils.lua
Config.DropPlayer = true -- Drop (Kick) Player if tries to cheat!
Config.AnticheatBan = false -- Change in server/sv_Utils.lua!!! WIll not work by default you need to add your custom trigger to ban player!

Config.Vendings = {
    Props = { 785076010, 1243022785, 462203053 },
    RequiredItems = {
        { item = "coin", count = 1, remove = true },
    ChanceToFindNothing = 5,
    RandomItems = {
        -- MAX 100% together
        { item = "gum1", count = 1, chance = 20 },
        { item = "gum2", count = 1, chance = 20 },
        { item = "gum3", count = 1, chance = 20 },
        { item = "gum4", count = 1, chance = 20 },
        { item = "gum5", count = 1, chance = 20 },

Config.Robbing = {
    ReqPolice = 0, -- Police count
    ReportChance = 100, --Dispatch Chance 0 - 100 %
    Cooldown = 800, --seconds before next robbery
    LockPick = true, -- lockpick minigame
    RequiredItems = {
        { item = "lockpick", count = 1, remove = true },
    ChanceToFindNothing = 1,
    AddItems = {
        { item = "coin", min = 10, max = 100, chance = 50 },
        { item = "gum1", min = 1, max = 10, chance = 50 },
        { item = "gum2", min = 1, max = 10, chance = 50 },
        { item = "gum3", min = 1, max = 10, chance = 50 },
        { item = "gum4", min = 1, max = 10, chance = 50 },
        { item = "gum5", min = 1, max = 10, chance = 50 },

Config.Blips = {
    PawnShop = { -- do not use same value twice (will result in overwriting of blip)
        BlipCoords = vec3(412.24, 314.88, 103.13), -- Blip coords
        Sprite = 374, -- Blip Icon
        Display = 4, -- keep 4
        Scale = 0.8, -- Size of blip
        Colour = 73, -- colour
        Name = "Pawn Shop" -- Blip name

Config.PawnShop = {
    Enabled = true,
    Header = "Pawn Shop",
    BuyItems = {
        { label = 'Coin', item = 'coin', description = "Buy Coin for: $", price = 55, MinAmount = 1, MaxAmount = 10 },
        { label = 'LockPick', item = 'lockpick', description = "Buy LockPick for: $", price = 155, MinAmount = 1,
            MaxAmount = 2 },
    SellItems = {
        { label = 'Coin', item = 'coin', description = "Sell Coin for: $", price = 45, MinAmount = 1, MaxAmount = 100 },
    Ped = {
        { model = "a_m_m_prolhost_01", coords = vec4(412.24, 314.88, 103.13 - 1.0, 204.83),
            scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_SMOKING" },

Last updated